Lunch Boxing Diet, Of The Cameron Diaz Diet

Some may think that Hollywood stars don’t need exhausting diets and that it’s not important for them to eat right and take care of their figure. After all, they use the services of plastic surgeons who can help celebrities with any problems. But this is an absolute lie.

The essence and benefits of the diet

The well-known actress Cameron Diaz, who is recognized as one of the sexiest women according to Maxim magazine, knows better than anyone else that without special diets she would not have been able to maintain her body in perfect condition at the age of 45.

That’s why she turned to fitness guru Simon Lovell with a personal request – to create a diet for her, taking into account her busy work schedule. This is how the lunchbox diet was born.

The essence of the diet is that a person should eat frequently and in small portions. The best option is to eat 8 meals a day, but 6 meals a day is enough to start with. The proportions of the lunch box should correspond to the following ratio: 60% fruits and vegetables, 30% protein, and 10% low-fat dressing, respectively.

This diet has several significant advantages, such as

  • It boosts metabolism (speeds up metabolism);
  • it bloedsûkernivo wurdt bewarre yn it normale berik (3.5-5.5 mmol / l);
    the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • promoting weight loss, in addition, the weight is kept at the same level;
  • Foarkommen fan constipaasje.

Lunchboxes foar elkenien

The benefits of split meals are definitely not a myth. At the moment, this type of diet is becoming increasingly popular. Every modern woman tries to monitor her diet. This is especially true for businesswomen and office workers who, due to their employment, can often skip meals or have a snack on the go.

The lunchbox diet is ideal in this case. Taking lunch or snack containers with you, even in the hectic rhythm of a big city, you can stay full and healthy. Moreover, nowadays there are many suitable dishes for such meals.

Lunch boxes, containers, and sandwich boxes have become an integral part of everyone’s life. A huge selection and variety of these indispensable devices will surprise you.

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