
Boliñas verdes con cogomelos e repolo vermello

5 de 4 votos
Tempo Total 1 momento
Curso Cea
cociña Europeo
Porcións 2 persoas
Calor 318 kcal


Green dumplings

  • 5 Large potatoes - if possible floury
  • 3 sopa Fariña de pataca
  • 1 sopa Sêmola
  • Sal
  • 1 porción Torradas de grans enteiros
  • Manteiga ou aceite

Repolo vermello

  • Red cabbage approx. 600g
  • 2 Cebolas
  • 1 mazá
  • Salt, pepper, 6 cloves, bay leaf, sugar, vinegar, orange juice


  • 600 g Cogomelos porcini
  • 1 Cebola
  • 1 Cravo Allo
  • Un pouco de fariña
  • 100 ml Nata batida ou crema de soia
  • Manteiga ou aceite
  • Pementa salgada


  • Red cabbage preparation: Slice the cabbage with a vegetable slicer into not too small strips / pieces, season with salt, pepper, sugar, a little vinegar and knead a little. Peel an onion and lard it with the cloves, cut the apple into smaller cubes (it will overcook later). Put the herb mixture in a saucepan and add about 100 ml of orange juice. Add the peppered onion, the apple pieces and the bay leaf and then let everything simmer gently. I like the herb firm to the bite, so it takes a maximum of 15-20 minutes.Season again and, if necessary, season with sugar and vinegar. Fish the bay leaf and the clove onion again and stir in the second onion, chopped into cubes, a dollop of butter, done. If you like, you can replace the butter with walnut oil, which is very tasty!
  • The dumplings: Peel the potatoes and grate them finely, squeeze the mixture well with your hands or a kitchen towel (you can collect the resulting juice and filter out the potato starch). Now mix the potatoes with the semolina, potato flour and a big pinch of salt.
  • Cut the toast into smaller cubes and toast in a little butter or oil until golden brown.
  • Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil, add salt and a dollop of butter to the water (this is to prevent the dumplings from boiling too much). Remove some of the potato mixture and flatten it with one hand, place 3-4 cubes of toast on top and shape the mixture into dumplings (best done with wet hands). Put the dumplings in the boiling water and then reduce the heat a little, they should simmer gently, for about 20-25 minutes, depending on the size.
  • The mushrooms / sauce: Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes and sweat in butter or oil, add the mushrooms and season with pepper, leave to simmer for a while until the liquid has evaporated. Now salt, take 3/4 of the mushrooms out of the pan and keep warm, dust the rest with a little flour. Deglaze with cream and stir so that the mushrooms and cream combine to form a creamy sauce.
  • Serving: Put the sauce on the preheated plates, add the mushrooms, a spoonful of red cabbage and two dumplings ... Ready.
  • Note: Normally, toast cubes do not belong in real green dumplings. This has to be done with the North German potatoes available here, otherwise the dumplings are too moist (mushy).
  • Goes well with a good crunchy salad, mix as you like.


Servizo: 100gCalorías: 318kcalHidratos de carbono: 72.1gProteína: 4.2gGraxas: 1g
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escrito por John Myers

Chef profesional con 25 anos de experiencia no sector aos máis altos niveis. Propietario do restaurante. Director de bebidas con experiencia na creación de programas de cócteles recoñecidos a nivel mundial. Escritor gastronómico cunha voz e un punto de vista distintivos impulsados ​​polo chef.

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