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Sirovi umak od rajčice na kamutu - makaroni

serviranja: 2 ljudi


  • 2 pregršt Makaroni veganski
  • 1 žlica Biljna sol
  • 6 žlica Laneno ulje
  • **************************
  • rajčice
  • 1 žlica Biljna sol


Kuhanje pate

  • Makarone skuhajte u vodi, ocijedite i stavite u zdjelu. Pospite biljnom soli, dodajte laneno ulje i dobro promiješajte.

Pripremite umak od rajčice

  • Wash the tomatoes and roughly cut them into pieces, I only cut them in half. Add vegetable salt and puree well in the blender. Since the Vitamix has a function that heats the sauce when it is pureed for a long time, it doesn't have to be put in the saucepan again :-) It also tastes warm and so the vitamins are retained, because many of them are lost when heated to 40 degrees.


  • Arrange everything on a plate and enjoy - and knowing that the sauce is full of energy, everything tastes so good again :-) just give it a try, I also had to feel my way first and I am absolutely thrilled :-)