
Vanillu pigtails með Cointreau

5 frá 9 atkvæði
Námskeið Kvöldverður
Cuisine Evrópu
Servings 4 fólk
Hitaeiningar 319 kkal


  • 1 Tahitian vanilla pod - or two regular vanilla pods
  • 125 g Smjör við stofuhita
  • 1 Eggjarauða
  • 1 Harðsoðnar eggjarauður
  • 50 g Extra fínn sykur
  • 80 g Creme fraiche ostur
  • 3 msk Cointreau
  • 250 g Flour
  • 1 klípa Salt
  • 200 g Hrár reyrsykur


  • Stir the butter, which is at room temperature, with a pinch of salt until foamy and add the 50 g of extra-fine sugar, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Now scrape out the Tahitian vanilla, add half of the pulp to the butter, the other half to the raw cane sugar and mix well.
  • Now add the egg yolks and press the hard-boiled egg yolks through a sieve and add them as well. Now add the creme fraiche and the Cointreau and stir everything again until frothy.
  • Now pour the flour over it and knead well. Now shape the dough into rolls with a diameter of 5 cm and wrap in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours - but better overnight.
  • Now preheat the oven to 160 degrees and line baking sheets with baking paper. Cut slices of approx. 5 mm from the dough rolls and shape them into rolls. Now bring the ends of the rolls together and twist them two or three times. Now roll the braids in the raw cane sugar mixture, place on the baking sheet and bake for about 15-18 minutes.
  • Let cool down completely on the baking sheet.


Borið fram: 100gHitaeiningar: 319kkalKolvetni: 50.9gPrótein: 5.9gFat: 5.8g
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Skrifað af John Myers

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