
Столле, Рождество Столлен

5 -дан 4 дауыс
Жалпы уақыт 2 сағат
Курс түскі ас
пісіру еуропалық
Қызметтер 12 адамдар
Калория 393 ккал


  • Негізгі қамыр
  • 650 g ұн
  • 190 ml Сүт
  • 4 g Salt - equivalent to 0.5 tsp
  • 250 g Майы
  • 8 g Vanilla sugar - corresponds to a bag
  • 60 g Yeast or 2 bags of dry yeast
  • 60 g -
  • Құрамы
  • 100 g Туралған бадам
  • 250 g мейіз
  • 100 g Қарақат
  • 50 g Citronat (Succade)
  • 50 g Апельсин қабығы
  • 1 Лимон өңделмеген
  • 3 ас қасық Ром
  • 1 шымшу Жердегі кардамон
  • 1 шымшу -
  • 200 g Ұнтақ қант
  • 150 g Еріген сары май


  • Lots of ingredients, but it's quick and easy. You can get started right away in time for the festival. First, take the untreated lemon the evening before and rub the peel off. Then take everything under the ingredients, mix in a can, close it with a lid and let it steep. The next day you take the ingredients that are under the base dough. Starting with the flour, add the vanilla sugar and salt, mix briefly. Now add the butter in flakes. Put the milk in a saucepan, heat it up and add the yeast. The warm milk is added to the flour mixture and stirred with a dough hook until the dough comes off the edge. Cover the dough with a cloth, keep it warm and let it rise. At the same time, the ingredients are warmed up. After 60 - 120 minutes (the better the yeast, the shorter the time), you knead the dough again and add the ingredients that are also heated and knead them in. Now you shape a bread, flatten it a little and place one of the long sides a little over the middle to the other side. From a baking sheet lined with baking paper and into the oven preheated to 150 ° C, second rail from the bottom for 20 minutes. When the time has elapsed, turn back to 140 ° C and bake for another 40 minutes. Remove from the oven when well browned, remove the loose raisins, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with icing sugar. Let the rest of the butter drip over the powdered sugar and pour the rest of the powdered sugar over it again. Let the Stolle cool down (takes a long time!), Wrap everything in aluminum foil in a foil bag and let it stand for about a month. Complete.
  • Tips and hints: if you don't want to learn painfully from your own mistakes, you should read over it briefly. Letting the dough rise works best in the oven at 60 ° C. Take the butter out of the fridge the day before, then it will be soft enough. Do not let the milk get too hot, otherwise the yeast will be gone. Put the ingredients with the dough in the stove, everything goes faster if they are preheated. I put aluminum foil under the baking paper, which I shape into a roll around the edges. This ensures that the stud goes up and does not become flat and wide. Finally, after sprinkling with powdered sugar for the first time, the melted butter must be "dripped onto" the entire surface. If you coat and don't drip, the powdered sugar will stick to the brush. The tunnel is in a foil with me, see the last picture. In this way, the butter can run down, just like powdered sugar can go by. If you now fold the foil back onto the cleats, the sugar will stick to the sides. I also use the foil to wrap the stollen. I bump another foil onto the one already under the tunnel. Place the ends on top of each other and fold in twice. From now until the beginning of December you should make the tunnel ready so that it can still pull. Have fun.


Қызмет ету: 100gКалориялары: 393ккалКөмірсулар: 49.5gАқуыз: 4.4gМай: 18.4g
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Жазылған Джон Майерс

Ең жоғары деңгейде 25 жылдық салалық тәжірибесі бар кәсіби аспаз. Мейрамхана иесі. Әлемдік деңгейдегі ұлттық коктейльдік бағдарламаларды жасау тәжірибесі бар сусындар директоры. Аспазшы басқаратын ерекше дауысы мен көзқарасы бар тағам жазушысы.

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