
ಕೊಬ್ಬನ್ನು ಸುಡುವುದನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸಿ: ನಿಮ್ಮ ಚಯಾಪಚಯ ಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೇಗೆ ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತೀರಿ

The bacon has to go: That’s not the only way many people think of the New Year. As a recipe for success, there is always talk of boosting fat burning. But is that even possible and if so, how?

Can You Boost Fat Burning?

Some tips sound great, but in practice, they quickly turn out to be hot air. This is often the case when it comes to losing weight: if you eat certain foods, you are said to lose fat. Diets with a lot of lemon, pineapple, and papaya on the menu, for example, drinks like green tea and spices like ginger should work as fat burners.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. Spicy food burns calories in an amount that is hardly worth mentioning and a one-sided, calorie-reduced diet puts the body in a state of deficiency: If you eat normally again, it gets everything back twice and triple and the notorious yo-yo effect kicks in.

Sport as a natural fat burner

The good news is that you can boost fat burning, but not in isolation with certain foods, but through exercise. Exercise activates the metabolism and the body utilizes the energy that you give it through carbohydrates, fat, and protein. You don’t have to cycle for hours or set new personal bests while jogging. Moderate exercise, where you don’t get completely out of breath and your pulse isn’t racing, is sufficient.

Ideally, you combine endurance sports with fitness and strength training, because every gram of muscle mass burns more calories: even when you sleep or sit on the sofa. By the way, if you mainly want to burn belly fat, crunches and similar exercises alone will not do it. The overall package has to be right, which means you have to use more energy than you take in with food.

Eating and drinking can also boost fat burning

Exercise regularly, so lay the foundation to boost fat burning. A balanced diet and the right drinks build on this. A simple home remedy is to drink a lot. Water and unsweetened teas save calories compared to sweetened drinks and can help you lose weight.

Meal timing can also make a difference. Do not eat bars or anything similar before exercising, but keep a gap of two hours between your last meal and your last meal. Don’t hit it after a workout, eat normal portions. A protein-rich food is preferable to carbohydrate-rich food in order to promote muscle regeneration and not slow down the fat burning that is still being boosted.

ಅವತಾರ್ ಫೋಟೋ

ಇವರಿಂದ ಬರೆಯಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ ಜಾನ್ ಮೈಯರ್ಸ್

ಉನ್ನತ ಮಟ್ಟದಲ್ಲಿ 25 ವರ್ಷಗಳ ಉದ್ಯಮದ ಅನುಭವದೊಂದಿಗೆ ವೃತ್ತಿಪರ ಬಾಣಸಿಗ. ರೆಸ್ಟೋರೆಂಟ್ ಮಾಲೀಕರು. ವಿಶ್ವ ದರ್ಜೆಯ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯವಾಗಿ ಗುರುತಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟ ಕಾಕ್ಟೈಲ್ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸುವ ಅನುಭವ ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಪಾನೀಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಕ. ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟವಾದ ಬಾಣಸಿಗ-ಚಾಲಿತ ಧ್ವನಿ ಮತ್ತು ದೃಷ್ಟಿಕೋನವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಆಹಾರ ಬರಹಗಾರ.

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