Диета со сирова храна: слаба со многу зеленчук

Do you like it crunchy, green, and colorful? Then you could benefit from a raw food diet. Here you can learn how it works and what it brings!

Raw food diet: the principle

In the raw state, the vitamin content of plant foods is the highest. However, eating only raw limits the food spectrum, because, as we know, you can’t eat everything uncooked – for example, potatoes, because their starch is digestible only when cooked. Legumes in their raw state contain substances that inhibit protein digestion in the body. Raw cereals are more digestible for many if they are roasted or baked, e.g. wholemeal flakes or bread. The digestibility of milk protein also improves when it is altered by acids (yogurt, cottage cheese) or by heating (pasteurized drinking milk).

Raw food diet: practicality

Since the cooking pot remains in the cupboard, the dietary principle is very simple and easy to carry out everywhere.

Raw food diet: calories

Are not counted.

Raw food diet: Duration

Recommended only for a short time.

Raw food diet: Overall verdict

The food spectrum is too limited for a longer diet and will hardly cover the calorie needs of athletically active people in the long run. This is because the raw food diet excludes important starchy foods such as potatoes and legumes, which must not be eaten raw. Many can also tolerate whole grains better if they are eaten as bread. Beware of the recommendation to drink distilled water: this is really dangerous! We do, however, leave one good hair in the soup: raw vegetables promote good chewing and thus a leisurely eating pace and should be on the table much more often – preferably at all meals and with a little oil, because only then can you absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Steam the vegetables instead of cooking them through! By the way: There is nothing wrong with the raw food principle when implementing leap days: e.g. a grape or apple day. So: ok for a short time, not recommended as a long-term nutrition strategy!

Фотографија на аватар

Напишано од Бела Адамс

Јас сум професионално обучен, извршен готвач со повеќе од десет години во ресторански кулинарски и угостителски менаџмент. Искусен во специјализирани диети, вклучувајќи вегетаријанска, веганска, сурова храна, целосна храна, растителна, прифатлива за алергија, од фарма до трпеза и многу повеќе. Надвор од кујната, пишувам за факторите на животниот стил кои влијаат на благосостојбата.

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