
Чоколаден бисквит со јаболко Crumble Pie

5 од 6 гласови
Вкупно време 1 час 40 минути
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 3 луѓе
Калории 349 kcal


  • 160 g Брашно
  • 1 tbsp Шеќер
  • 1 изклинвам Сол
  • 125 g Путер
  • 3 tbsp Ладна вода
  • 2 јаболка
  • 1 поздравниот Лимон вкус
  • 250 g Cocoa biscuits, chocolate biscuits, chocolate muesli, muesli cookies, ...
  • 4 tbsp Брашно
  • 60 g Путер
  • 6 tbsp Млеко
  • 20 g Шеќер


Кора од пита

  • For the pie crust, mix 160g flour, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 pinch of salt. Then add 125 g butter and crumble with the mixer (dough hook) until only crumbs are left. Then add 3 tablespoons of ice-cold water and knead everything into a dough. Sprinkle the work surface generously with flour and knead in the flour if necessary. Butter a casserole or pie and spread the dough flat in it. Then put the filled form in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.


  • For the filling, peel 2-3 apples, remove the core and cut into smaller pieces / slices. Then drizzle with lemon aroma. Melt the butter in the pan and add the apples. Add 5-6 tbsp applesauce, stir. When the apples are steamed, remove the pan from the heat. Then place the apples in the filled tin.

Chocolate biscuit crumble

  • Coarsely crumble cocoa biscuits, chocolate biscuits, chocolate muesli, muesli biscuits or similar (as desired). Add 4 tablespoons of flour, 6 tablespoons of milk, 20g sugar and 60 grams of butter and mix with a mixer (dough hook) to form sprinkles. Spread the sprinkles generously on the apples.

да се пече

  • Bake at 190 ° for about 15-20 minutes, then switch to bottom heat and bake at 170 ° for another 8-10 minutes.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 349kcalЈаглехидрати: 33.5gПротеин: 4.5gМаст: 22g
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