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How to properly cut your pumpkin

Due to the hard shell, pumpkins are not easy to cut. You should consider the following tips:

  • Place the squash in boiling water for five to ten minutes. Then run some cold water over it. Cutting is then a lot easier.
  • Use a kitchen knife that is as large and sharp as possible. First, halve the pumpkin by placing the knife on it and pressing it into the skin with the heel of your hand.
  • You can then cut the pumpkin into any small cubes you like.
  • Make sure to always cut from the inner soft core outwards when chopping. It’s easier and has less risk of injury.

Peel the pumpkin: That’s how it works.

Some pumpkins can be eaten with the skin on. You should exempt others from this. You should also pay attention to a few small things when peeling in order to get the most out of the fruit.

  • First, cut the pumpkin in half.
  • You can then remove the seeds from both halves with a spoon.
  • Cut the halves into individual columns, but don’t dice them yet.
  • You can then easily cut off the peel with a smaller kitchen knife.
  • If small pieces of cubes are desired, divide the columns again at the end.
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