
Сушење брусница: Како сами да ја подготвите вкусната закуска

You can dry cranberries and then reuse them. The berries are preserved in this way and are also a vitamin bomb that you always have ready in the cupboard. In this article, we explain what you need to know.

Drying cranberries: in the oven

If you want to dry your cranberries, you should only use undamaged and ripe fruits. Wash the berries and dip them in boiling water for two seconds. This causes the thick skin of the cranberries to burst open and the berries to dry more easily. As an alternative to the oven, you can also use a dehydrator.

  1. Briefly dry the berries by placing them on a paper kitchen towel.
  2. Then cover a baking tray with parchment paper and place the berries on it.
  3. Set the oven from 40-45 degrees. Stick a long- handled wooden spoon in the oven door to allow moisture to escape. The drying process can take up to 24 hours.
  4. Although drying at a maximum of 45 degrees is gentler on the fruit, many vitamins are lost through contact with heat.
  5. Once the cranberries have shriveled, you can take them out of the oven.

Allow the cranberries to air dry

A gentle way to dry cranberries is to air dry them.

  1. Wash and dry the berries well.
  2. Place the berries on a platter and set next to a heater or in a dry place.
  3. Drying can take several weeks. However, the vitamins are not lost as quickly as with the oven variant.
  4. Turn the berries daily, being careful not to get dust on them. Since the berries become sticky during the drying process, the dust sticks to them very well.

Continue using cranberries

If you have dried cranberries yourself, you can use them afterwards.

  • Dried cranberries can be stored at room temperature for a year. Freeze them after drying, the berries will keep for up to five years.
  • Use the berries as a vitamin bomb for your muesli, for example. A muesli with cranberries can also be a healthy snack when losing weight. You can also refine tarts, stollen and cakes with it.
  • Add some cranberries to a salad for some freshness. Even your homemade bread could do with a few cranberries.
  • Another possibility would be to refine a smoothie or ice cream with the sour berries.
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