
Јадење и пиење за мочниот меур

If you have a sensitive bladder, it makes sense to also think about the right diet. For example, some foods are known to irritate the bladder. Your drinking habits – what and how much you drink – deserve special attention. We also look at a real “women’s issue”: Many women are afraid of gaining weight. The consequence? You take in too little fat, although it is precisely these that ensure a balanced hormone balance and radiant skin!

Are you drinking enough?

Also, if – or precisely because – you are dealing with bladder weakness, it is important that you continuously “flush” your bladder. Urine removes waste products from the body and for this, it needs sufficient liquid. If you don’t drink enough, your urine will become more concentrated. This in turn can irritate your bladder and even lead to cystitis. You need 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid every day. It’s easy to tell if you’re drinking enough: your urine must be light yellow in color. If your urine is darker – or smells strong – then you know you’re not drinking enough.

Is your bladder irritated quickly?

You may have noticed that after drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, you have to go to the toilet more often. By the way: Black and green tea also contain caffeine – the stronger the tea, the more caffeine it contains. In addition, citrus drinks, carbonated drinks, and those with artificial sweeteners also irritate your bladder.

Drinks that are gentle on your bladder

  • вода
  • билен чај
  • vegetable juice (not tomato or celery juice)

Drinks that irritate your bladder

  • Кафе
  • чај
  • алкохол
  • Citrus fruit juice
  • Reduced calorie drinks
  • Газирани пијалоци

Drink mostly during the day

Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters a day is a lot. However, make it a habit to drink this amount throughout the day – as little as possible in the evening. As a result, you don’t have to get out of bed as often at night and can sleep better through the night. You will notice that you wake up more rested!

Dishes that irritate your bladder

Certain foods can also irritate your bladder. You have to find out for yourself which dishes these are in particular. Many women find that spicy and acidic foods irritate their bladder. Do you also have the impression that you are sensitive to certain foods or ingredients? Notice what happens when you leave them out!

Fats? Yes, you need them!

Fats have a bad reputation for being fattening foods. Wrongly! It is often not the fats that make us fat, but mainly the sugar. As a woman, you urgently need fats, e.g. B. for the production of many female hormones and for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K, the so-called fat-soluble vitamins. But your skin is also grateful if it receives enough fats from food. Therefore, here is some information about the differences between the different fats.

Вистината за маснотиите

When it comes to fats, there is a lot of confusion. Not surprising, because there are many different types. They can be divided into:

  1. заситени масти
  2. monosaturated fats
  3. полинезаситени масти

Too much-saturated fat has a negative effect on your health. You should limit these fats. Saturated fats are mainly found in whole milk products, meat, chocolate, cakes, and snacks. Category two and three fats are (mostly) good. Below you can see which “fatty” foods you can eat with a clear conscience. Be sure to also read the section “Trans fat? Caution!”

Choose healthy fats and eat:

  • маслинки
  • кикирики
  • ореви
  • авокадо
  • ладно цедено масло
  • fat fish

Limit unhealthy fats and eat:

  • skimmed dairy products
  • lean or less fatty meat

Добро е да се знае

A handy rule of thumb when it comes to fats is this: fats that solidify in the fridge are less good for your health. Fats that stay liquid in the fridge are better. Coconut fat is the only exception!

Фотографија на аватар

Напишано од Он Мајерс

Професионален готвач со 25 годишно искуство во индустријата на највисоко ниво. Сопственик на ресторан. Директор за пијалоци со искуство во креирање на национално признати програми за коктели од светска класа. Писател на храна со карактеристичен глас и гледна точка воден од готвачот.

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