
Лесна компир салата со домашен мајонез од јогурт

5 од 4 гласови
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 6 луѓе
Калории 215 kcal


Yogurt mayonnaise

  • 1 Кромид исечкан на коцки
  • 150 g Исцедени кисели корнишони
  • Сол и црн пипер
  • 4 Жолчка
  • 4 tbsp Сок од лимон
  • 2 лажиче Синап
  • 1 Притиснати чешниња лук
  • 500 ml Масло од репка
  • 500 g Јогурт со малку маснотии
  • Сол и црн пипер


Yogurt mayonnaise

  • Mix the egg yolks, lemon juice, mustard and garlic with the whisk of the hand mixer. Mix in the oil, first drop by drop, then in a thin, slowly thickening stream, until a firm mayonnaise is formed. Mix with the yoghurt and season with salt and pepper.

салата од компири

  • Boil potatoes into jacket potatoes. Drain the water, let the potatoes cool. Peel and cut into slices. Salt and lightly pepper. Mix in the diced onion and diced gherkins. Stir in the yogurt mayonnaise and season the finished salad to taste. Enjoy your meal!


  • Prepare the potato salad a day in advance so that it can flow through. Put cold because of the raw eggs! In my experience, it absorbs a lot of sauce, so the amount of salad sauce is generous. At first I only pour in enough sauce until it is nice and "sloppy", keep the rest of the sauce in the refrigerator and pour the sauce again the next day if it has been absorbed by the potatoes. Season again with salt and pepper, done. Peeling is stupid work, but then you have no more work to do on Christmas Eve, for example, add sausages and the classic Christmas Eve dish is ready. If necessary, stir in fresh parsley and garnish with it.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 215kcalЈаглехидрати: 10.8gПротеин: 1.8gМаст: 18.4g
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