
Швајцарски ролат од малини и крем

5 од 9 гласови
Вкупно време 40 минути
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 1 луѓе
Калории 174 kcal


за тестото од сунѓер:

  • 3 Јајца
  • 1 Жолчка
  • 60 g Шеќер
  • 1 пакет Ванилин шеќер
  • 60 g Брашно
  • 1 изклинвам Прашок за пециво

за полнење:

  • 1 пакет From a pack of jelly, raspberry
  • 80 g Шеќер
  • 300 ml Вода
  • 250 g Кварк со малку маснотии
  • 250 g Шлаг
  • 200 g Свежи или замрзнати малини

за декорација:

  • Icing sugar, some fresh raspberries, chocolate flakes as desired


  • Beat the eggs and yolks with the hand mixer on the highest setting for one minute until frothy. Sprinkle in sugar and vanilla sugar and continue beating for about 2 minutes. Mix the flour and baking powder, sift into the mixture and stir in briefly on a low level.
  • Place the dough on a baking sheet (30 x 40 cm) lined with baking paper and bake in the preheated oven on the middle rack at 200 degrees (or convection 180 degrees) for about 8-10 minutes. Then immediately pull the baking paper off the tray. Place a second parchment paper on the work surface and turn the biscuit out onto it. Remove the baking paper from the surface and let the biscuit cool down.
  • In the meantime, start filling. To do this, prepare the jelly with sugar and water according to the instructions on the package (but only with 300 ml of water). Let cool in a bowl.
  • Stir the quark into the cooled jelly with a whisk. Chill the mixture, stir from time to time. When the mixture begins to gel, whip the cream until stiff and fold in.
  • Spread two thirds of the cream on the sponge cake plate, spread the raspberries on top (do not wash, otherwise the sponge cake will soften), spread frozen raspberries on top. Do not spread the cream to the edge, but leave about 1 cm free all around, otherwise the filling will swell out when rolling up.
  • Let the cream set a little, then roll up the sponge cake from the long side. Brush the roll with the rest of the cream and chill for approx. 1 - 2 hours. Before serving, decorate with raspberries, powdered sugar and chocolate sprinkles as desired.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 174kcalЈаглехидрати: 20.8gПротеин: 4.5gМаст: 7.9g
Фотографија на аватар

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