
Сурфање и трева Ала Франциска

5 од 5 гласови
Време за подготовка 20 минути
Време за готвење 20 минути
Време за одмор 30 минути
Вкупно време 1 час 10 минути
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 2 луѓе
Калории 33 kcal


За маринирање:

  • Prawns, approx. 16 cm, 4 to 8 pieces
  • 2 tbsp Kecap Tim Ikan, see appendix, alternatively soy sauce light

За тестенините:

  • 250 g Вода
  • 6 g Пилешка супа, крафт бујон
  • 100 g Fusilli pasta, Italy, dry
  • 4 мали Кромид, црвен
  • 2 средна големина Каранфилче лук, свежо
  • 2 мали Морков
  • 2 средна големина Домати, црвени, целосно зрели
  • 1 лажиче Снегулки од пиперка, црвена, сушена, (со зрна, зачинета)

За сосот:

  • 2 tbsp Сок од домати
  • 1 tbsp Доматно пире
  • 60 g Вода за тестенини
  • Rest of the marinade, see preparation


  • 4 tbsp сончогледово масло
  • Сол и бибер, црни, свежи од воденицата

Да украсиме:

  • Фризе салата


  • Marinate the beef steaks or fillets for about 30 minutes at room temperature. Remove from the marinade, drain well and use the remaining marinade for the sauce. Pepper the steaks well on both sides. Wash the Frisée salad, cut into leaves and decorate 2 plates with it.
  • Bring the water to the boil, dissolve the chicken stock in it and add the fusilli. Cook al dente according to the instructions on the package. Strain it off and have it ready.
  • Cap the onions and the cloves of garlic at both ends, peel and roughly cut into pieces. Wash and peel the carrots, score lengthways and cut / slice across into 3 mm thin slices. Cut the notches into pieces approx. 6 mm long and use them as well. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems, peel them, quarter them lengthways, remove the green stem and the grains. Divide the quarters lengthways and crossways into thirds.
  • Mix the ingredients for the sauce.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a wok. Add the onions and garlic cloves and stir-fry until the onions are translucent. Add the carrot slices and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the pasta and pepper flakes and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Deglaze with the sauce and keep warm with the lid on over a low flame. Season to taste with salt and pepper before serving.
  • Fry the steaks with the rest of the sunflower oil, depending on size and taste (English, medium or well done). Fry the prawns pink on both sides for the last 2 minutes. Place on the prepared plates, add the colorful noodles and serve the finished Turf and Surf well warm and enjoy.


  • Кецап Тим Икан - благ, темен, зачинет соја сос


  • Actually a typical North American recipe. Meanwhile, in the age of international tourism, surf and turf is served on almost all coasts of the world. Known as reef and beef in Australia, it is an inexpensive dish in some areas.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 33kcalЈаглехидрати: 6.8gПротеин: 0.8gМаст: 0.2g
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