
САД: Арсен во храната

There are many reasons not to eat meat. In most cases, however, the avoidance of arsenic has certainly not been one of them. In the USA, however, not eating meat would be highly recommended for precisely this reason. Additives containing arsenic may be fed to chickens there.

Arsenic gives the chicken a healthy color

Carole Morison, a contract farmer for Perdue, the third largest poultry producer in the US, is heartbroken:

“It bothers me enormously when people are exposed to poison like arsenic. But we have no other choice. We have to feed the chickens what Perdue tells us to do.”

Unlike their European counterparts, American poultry producers are allowed to use feed additives containing arsenic with official approval from the FDA(1). Why would they want to deliberately feed such a heavy poison? Well, arsenic promotes weight gain and prevents parasitic infestations while giving the chicken the appearance of a healthy color.

From this, it can be concluded that if the poultry industry has to give the impression of healthy color, the chickens are obviously anything but healthy. To then feed them a poison with the potential of arsenic to feign a healthy appearance, which is likely to drive the unhealthy even further away, makes the situation more paradoxical than it already is.

Arsenic is dangerous

Arsenic is a known highly dangerous poison. In the nineteenth century, arsenic was an extremely popular and notorious murder weapon, since regularly administered small doses of arsenic could be used to simulate death from illness. In particular, the arsenic compound called arsenic was used, which also had the telling name “inheritance powder”.

When administered in small, regular doses, arsenic triggers symptoms reminiscent of some chronic disease, but which usually do not evoke thoughts of insidious poisoning in those affected. Skin and blood vessels are damaged and malignant tumors develop in the skin, lungs, liver, and bladder. Acute poisoning with 60 to 170 milligrams of arsenic – which is considered a large dose – leads to death within hours or a few days from kidney and cardiovascular failure.

Many symptoms of illness are actually poisoning

Many physicians do not believe in waste products and detoxification, nor in acids and deacidification, but they are – as illogical as that may sound – apparently firmly convinced that the organism can eliminate all the toxins that it regularly absorbs with food, with the air, with the drinking water, with medicines, with personal care products, through his clothing or also through the vapors from furniture and building materials, can be excreted completely and easily or at least neutralized.

That’s why they keep in mind that many of the puzzling symptoms some people suffer from are the logical consequences of poisoning – with a wide variety of toxins from our modern everyday life.

Arsenic with every bite of chicken

Of course, humans can render a certain amount of toxins harmless and detoxify them to a certain extent. However, with the huge variety and quantity of toxins and pollutants available EVERYWHERE today, our body’s natural detoxification ability is completely overwhelmed.

However large it may be in one person or another, it will only be able to remove at most a fraction of the chemicals and toxins that enter the human body every day. It’s not much different with chickens. Even they cannot safely excrete all the toxins that enter their bodies through food and the environment, and unfortunately, they are also not equipped with the ability to specifically detoxify arsenic (in the amounts fed).

This is also the reason why many Americans and of course tourists staying in the USA consume arsenic every day – namely whenever they eat chicken meat.

In most cases, the chickens affected probably only show no symptoms of chronic arsenic poisoning because they usually only live for a few weeks. Before symptoms of poisoning could appear, they were slaughtered long ago.

Organic chickens are arsenic-free

Studies from 2004 and 2005 looked at arsenic levels in chicken from supermarkets and fast-food chains. Arsenic was regularly found. Chickens from organic farms have also been tested – finding extremely low levels of arsenic or no arsenic at all.

Unlike in conventional poultry farms, the arsenic additive Roxarsone must not be fed to the chickens in organic fattening operations. In the USA alone, one million kilograms of Roxarsone were produced in 2006 – mainly intended for ending up in chicken stomachs.

Regular ingestion of tiny amounts of arsenic can lead to cancer and nerve damage. Arsenic has also been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and a decline in mental function and skills. Regularly consuming animals fed arsenic can cost a few years of your life — but how do you know that when you’re on your deathbed? So most people don’t know either. They only see the disease – but remain clueless as to the poison that caused the disease in the first place.

Фотографија на аватар

Напишано од Он Мајерс

Професионален готвач со 25 годишно искуство во индустријата на највисоко ниво. Сопственик на ресторан. Директор за пијалоци со искуство во креирање на национално признати програми за коктели од светска класа. Писател на храна со карактеристичен глас и гледна точка воден од готвачот.

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