
Песто од див лук, задоволство во пролет

5 од 7 гласови
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 3 луѓе
Калории 733 kcal


  • 1 Large bush of wild garlic
  • 4 каранфилче Свеж лук
  • 75 g Ground Pecorino cheese, alternatively Grana Padano
  • 100 ml Масло од репка
  • 50 g Бор ореви
  • 50 g Мелени бадеми
  • По 1 прстофат бибер и сол


  • I only get bear's garlic pesto in the months of March and April. Between 10.3. and by April 30th at the latest. People who are not so sure about the lily of the valley leaves can also distinguish the wild garlic well. If you still want to know for sure, all you need to do is rub the leaves between your fingers. Wild garlic smells like garlic, lily of the valley leaves don't. Or you can buy wild garlic in specialist shops.
  • I clean the leaves very well under running water, if you want it even more hygienic, simply pour boiling water over the leaves from both sides. Then I take each sheet individually, I cut out the middle strand with a knife. I just love the very young, fresh papers.
  • The leaves are then pureed with the knofi toes, salt and a dash of oil in a tall vessel and a magic wand. Then the kernels and the cheese come in in portions, repeatedly whisked with a little oil. In the meantime I've cooked the pasta and serve the pesto on top with more pecorino cheese.
  • If not all of the pesto is used up, I pour it into a clean jam jar and add a small amount of oil on top. It then keeps for a good 7 days in the refrigerator.
  • Further tips for wild garlic pesto: So that the pesto is a little "fresher" in taste, I sometimes use 50% wild garlic and 50% basil leaves.
  • Very good variant: Cook 150 g broccoli until soft, puree in a blender and use instead of wild garlic or basil. All other ingredients as above.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 733kcalЈаглехидрати: 3.2gПротеин: 12gМаст: 75.9g
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