
Bajd f'Zalza tal-Ħxejjex tal-Ġobon tal-Krema tal-Perżut

5 minn 7 voti
Ħin totali 20 minuti
Kors pranzu
Cuisine Ewropea
Inbejjed 2 nies
Kaloriji 120 kcal


  • 4 Bajd iebes
  • 150 g Kubi tal-perżut
  • 1 Onion
  • 200 g Buko cream cheese .... garden herbs
  • 0,25 L Brodu tal-ħaxix
  • Bżar oħxon
  • Melħ tal-baħar mill-mitħna
  • Noċemuskata
  • 2 tixrid Lemon
  • 1 tbsp Finely chopped Maggi herb
  • 1 tbsp Tursin imqatta’ fin
  • 1 tbsp Fresh, finely chopped wild garlic
  • 1 tbsp Chives imqatta' fin


  • Boil the eggs, quench and peel them. The eggs 4 pieces Wash the herbs, sort and finely chop ... these are the first fresh herbs from the garden
  • Leave out the ham and sauté the onion until translucent. Pour the vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Add the cream cheese and allow to melt. Finely chop the herbs and add the above-mentioned spices to taste and serve with boiled potatoes. We also have a raw carrot salad eaten.


Notifika: 100gKaloriji: 120kcalKarboidrati: 4.6gProteina: 5.9gXaħam: 8.8g
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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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