
Għanbaqar - Il-Vjola All-Rounders

The plum has an elongated, oval, flattened shape with pointed ends. In contrast to the plum, the blue-black plum has no “seam”. The flesh of the plum is very juicy and whitish-green.


The real plum is a subspecies of the plum and was already widespread in ancient times. The plum is said to originally come from the Near East and the Caucasus. The plum tree is now cultivated in Europe, Asia, and North America.


In Germany, plums are harvested from July to October. The Southern European plum harvest is available in stores from May.


The ripe plum is juicy, sweet, and very aromatic.


The plum is suitable for eating fresh, for preserving plum puree and for preserving compotes and rum pots. Plums are also found in many classic recipes such as plum crumble, plum dumplings or plum crumble cake. The plum is ideal for freezing.


The plum will keep in the fridge for a few days. However, you should store the plum unwashed, as washing removes the protective layer (the so-called scent film) on the plum and it spoils more quickly.

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Written by John Myers

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