
Flatbread Pikkanti Crispy Ross bħala Side Dish

5 minn 4 voti
Ħin ta 'Prep 20 minuti
Cook Time 10 minuti
Ħin totali 30 minuti
Kors pranzu
Cuisine Ewropea
Inbejjed 4 nies
Kaloriji 35 kcal


  • 400 g Peeled rice cooked (to taste)
  • 1 kuċċarina Trab tal-wasabi
  • 1 kuċċarina Ħwawar turmeric mitħun
  • 1 kuċċarina Melħ mill-mitħna
  • 2 biċċa Bajd
  • 2 kuċċarina Ħalib ikkondensat 10% xaħam
  • 150 g Dqiq tal-panko


  • Put the cooked (hot) rice in a high bowl and season with wasabi powder, salt and turmeric.
  • Mix the eggs and condensed milk in a container. Add the panko flour to the rice and mix both with your hands.
  • Wet a pan with a little sunflower oil and heat it up. Put the rice in here.
  • Pour in the egg mixture and now press the rice really well. This is best done with a plate that is adapted to the pan size.
  • Now fry the rice pancakes on each side for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.
  • Turning is also done with a plate that is placed on the flatbread - turn the pan over in one go and let the flatbread slide back into the pan.
  • As a side dish to salad, poultry, meat or just like that with some freshly cut chives.


    Notifika: 100gKaloriji: 35kcalKarboidrati: 2.5gProteina: 1.8gXaħam: 2g
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    Written by John Myers

    Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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