
Asthmatics Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation could help even those asthmatics who do not respond to treatment with strong drugs like cortisone. This is the result of a scientific study from Israel on 21,000 asthmatics. The lower the test subjects’ vitamin D levels, the higher their risk of an asthma attack or other complications. Conversely, a vitamin D supplement could relieve asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks.

The number of asthma cases is increasing rapidly

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that manifests itself as inflamed and narrowed airways.

In some cases, taking strong medication such as cortisone can provide relief and improve the quality of life of those affected. However, these drugs can have severe side effects and do not help everyone affected.

From the point of view of conventional medicine, it is currently not possible to cure asthma, although the disease is considered to be well-researched.

For example, it is known that asthma is closely related to the condition of the intestines and thus to the immune system and nutrition.

Vitamin D prevents asthma symptoms

Even though vitamin C is considered to be the ultimate booster for the immune system, scientists have recently turned to vitamin D more and more frequently. Its enormous influence on the immune system also brought vitamin D into the focus of an Israeli research team.

dr Ronit Confino-Cohen and her colleagues from Tel Aviv University wanted to find out whether vitamin D levels in the body could be linked to asthma.

For this purpose, they evaluated the data of 21,000 Israeli asthmatics. This was first-time asthma/vitamin D study in young adult participants.

This enabled the researchers to obtain particularly precise test results. Older participants often suffer from other diseases that can falsify the study results.

In the past, there have been conflicting research results regarding the influence of vitamin D on asthma symptoms.

Low vitamin D levels make asthma worse

When analyzing the patient data, Dr. Confino-Cohen only on irrefutable facts.

They investigated a possible connection between the vitamin D level of asthmatics and the severity of asthma.

Participants who had been prescribed an emergency spray or cortisone tablets at least five times or had seen a doctor at least four times in the past year were classified as having uncontrollable asthma symptoms.

According to the study, the risk of such uncontrolled asthma increased enormously with falling vitamin D levels.

The Israeli scientists also determined that asthmatics with low vitamin D levels usually had at least one particularly severe episode of asthma in the recent past.

Vitamin D against asthma

The results of dr. Confino-Cohen and her colleagues show that high levels of vitamin D could contribute to a significant improvement in asthma.

The researchers advise asthma patients to have their vitamin D status checked by their doctor. In the case of a vitamin D deficiency, a dietary supplement with vitamin D could help.

Proper nutrition for asthma

Asthmatics can also achieve a significant improvement in their symptoms by changing their diet.

In addition to avoiding potential allergens such as milk or gluten, foods that care for the intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system can provide relief for asthmatics.

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