
Friptură de porc umplută în crustă de sare, cu miere și sos de vin roșu, cu caserolă de morcovi

5 din 8 voturi
Timpul total 4 ore 20 minute
Curs Cină
Bucătărie european
porţii 5 oameni
Calorii 93 kcal


Fillet roast

  • 2 Pork tenderloin Duroc
  • 250 g Cremă de brânză pe bază de plante
  • 1 ciupi zahăr
  • 3 Mandarine
  • 200 g Roșiile uscate
  • 5 foi de dafin
  • 200 ml Supa de vițel
  • 3 eșalotă
  • 3 Catei de usturoi
  • 1 L vin rosu
  • 1 buchet Parsely
  • 1 buchet Cimbru
  • 1 buchet Rozmarin
  • 15 felie Bacon de porc afumat crud
  • 5 Ouă
  • 2 kg Sare
  • 1 buchet Tarhon
  • 1 linguriță Miere
  • 1 shot Ulei de măsline
  • 1 ciupi Piper


  • 300 g Cartofi mici
  • 5 Crenguțe de rozmarin


  • 750 g Morcovi
  • 2 Cepe
  • 2 Catei de usturoi
  • 1 shot Ulei de cocos
  • 1 Lămâie
  • 1 ciupi Nucşoară
  • 1 ciupi Pudră de Cayenne
  • 1 ciupi Sare
  • 1 shot Bulion de legume
  • 150 g Lapte de nucă de cocos
  • 4 linguriță Susan
  • 80 g Unt
  • 50 ml Smântână
  • 250 g Emmental ras
  • 1 linguri Firimituri de pâine
  • 200 g Cârnați Chorizo ​​​​
  • 50 g Fulgi de migdale



  • Wash the pork fillets and cut off the fat. Now cut into each one so that a 1 cm thick slice of meat (like a roulade) is formed. Carefully flatten the meat. Cut the tomatoes and the peeled mandarins into small pieces and mix with the cream cheese to a fine mass - distribute on the meat.
  • Now roll up the meat and coat with the bacon. Spread the thyme and rosemary, bay leaves and parsley around the meat and let it steep.
  • Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites into egg whites, mix with the salt. Place the meat in a salt crust (ice snow and salt) and bake in the oven at 80 ° C for 5 hours.
  • Now peel the shallots and garlic, chop them finely and sauté in olive oil - deglaze with 1 liter of red wine, add tarragon and honey and let reduce. Then spread over the meat.


  • Wash the potatoes, cut them in half and stick them on skewers. Season the potatoes with rosemary and salt and place on the grill until cooked through.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into cubes or slices. Peel and finely dice onions and garlic. Sweat the onions and garlic in coconut oil (they shouldn't take color), add the carrots and lemon juice and sweat for another 7 minutes.
  • Then season with nutmeg, cayenne pepper and salt. Add the coconut milk and vegetable stock. Let the whole thing simmer for about 10 minutes, until the carrots are almost cooked and the liquid has reduced (but still has a bit of bite).
  • In the meantime, roast the sesame seeds in the pan. Fold 40 g butter, sesame seeds, 200 g grated cheese and parsley into the carrots and leave to cool.
  • Now grease small casserole dishes and powder with breadcrumbs. Then add the carrots and cook in the preheated oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.
  • Roast the chorizo ​​and almonds and add to the finished casserole as a topping.


servire: 100gcalorii: 93kcalCarbohidrați: 3.1gProteină: 4.5gGras: 5.9g
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Compus de John Myers

Bucătar profesionist cu 25 de ani de experiență în industrie la cele mai înalte niveluri. Proprietar de restaurant. Director de băuturi cu experiență în crearea de programe de cocktailuri recunoscute la nivel mondial. Scriitor gastronomic cu o voce și un punct de vedere distinct condus de bucătar.

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