
Клюква – Red Power Berry

Cranberries are the 1-2 cm large, round to oval American relatives of our native lingonberry. The skin of the ripe fruit is bright red in color.


USA, Canada, Scandinavia.


The tart-sour taste of the firm berries makes them versatile – cranberry recipes are used in both sweet and savory dishes.


When raw, cranberries have a sour taste and are slightly bitter. If you sell them z. B. compote or a cranberry sauce, they are particularly tasty. Boil the cleaned fruit with water and sugar and add oranges, apples, or spices to taste. They give hearty meat dishes a fruity note. Of course, they also taste great with sweet desserts, as a cranberry punch, or in combination with fruit and herbal teas.


Cranberries can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for two to three months. It is best to store the berries in a cling bag or in the original packaging, which has ventilation holes. Cranberries are also good for freezing. However, they should not be thawed before further processing, otherwise, they will lose their firmness.

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Написано Джон Майерс

Профессиональный шеф-повар с 25-летним опытом работы в отрасли на самом высоком уровне. Владелец ресторана. Директор по напиткам с опытом создания коктейльных программ мирового уровня, признанных на национальном уровне. Кулинарный писатель с характерным голосом и точкой зрения шеф-повара.

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