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Making guacamole yourself is easy with these tasty recipes – and even healthy.

Guacamole is very easy to make yourself and is also healthy because the main ingredient of the tasty dip is avocado – and it’s a real superfood.

Positive health effects of avocado

The avocado is a real vitamin bomb and contains around 20 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, which is essential for bones, the heart, and the brain. In addition, the vitamin B it contains is crucial for the health of cells and DNA, and the vitamin folate it contains is required for a large number of metabolic processes in the body.

In addition to vitamins, the avocado is also full of monounsaturated fatty acids that can have a positive effect on and even lower cholesterol levels. Due to its low glycemic index, it only allows the blood sugar level to rise very slowly, which means that it is not only well tolerated by diabetics, but also prevents dangerous food cravings. Rich in fiber, it makes you full and satisfied.

Why make a guacamole dip yourself?

  • Lower in calories than other industrial dips because they may contain fattening agents like mayo or sour cream
  • Only natural and wholesome ingredients with a health-promoting effect that you can choose and dose yourself
  • Free of preservatives, refined sugar, and trans fats
  • Suitable for vegan, gluten and lactose-free diets

Easy guacamole recipes

1. Mexican Guacamole

  • 2 црвене чили папричице
  • 2 small avocados
  • a handful of cherry tomatoes
  • два чена белог лука
  • two tablespoons of lemon juice
  • some pepper and salt


  1. Wash the chilies and cherry tomatoes. Halve the chilies and deseed them. Then both are chopped up.
  2. Halve the avocado and pit it with a spoon. Now the pulp can be scooped out and placed in a small bowl.
  3. Peel the garlic and squeeze it through a press.
  4. Now all you have to do is mash the pulp with a fork to a creamy mass and mix it with the chopped tomatoes and pieces of chili. Season with salt and pepper and add a squeeze of lemon.

2. Guacamole with beans

  • a can of kidney beans
  • a red onion
  • 2 режња белог лука
  • авокадо
  • КСНУМКС кашике лимуновог сока
  • 2 кашике павлаке
  • some salt and cayenne pepper


  1. Rinse the beans in cold water and let them drain.
  2. Now the onion and garlic have to be peeled and finely diced.
  3. Halve the avocado, take a spoon and use it to remove the stone. Then scoop the flesh out of the skin and place it in a bowl.
  4. Puree the avocado flesh together with the beans, onion, and garlic pieces, and then stir in the sour cream.
  5. Finally, season the guacamole with salt and cayenne pepper to taste, and add the lemon juice.

3. Guacamole with Feta

  • авокадо
  • 2 режња белог лука
  • 70 грама фете
  • КСНУМКС кашике лимуновог сока
  • мало соли и бибера


  1. Halve the avocado, scoop out the pit with a spoon, and place it in a bowl.
  2. Now peel and finely chop the garlic cloves.
  3. Dice the feta and add it with the pieces of garlic to the avocado pulp.
  4. Now mix both with a fork to a creamy mass. Season with pepper and salt.
Фотографија аватара

Написао Миа Лане

Ја сам професионални кувар, писац хране, програмер рецепата, вредан уредник и произвођач садржаја. Радим са националним брендовима, појединцима и малим предузећима на стварању и побољшању писменог обезбеђења. Од развијања ниских рецепата за колачиће од банане без глутена и веганских колачића, до фотографисања екстравагантних домаћих сендвича, до израде врхунског водича за замену јаја у печеним производима, радим на свему што се тиче хране.

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