
Млади лук – мала сестра лука

Spring onions are also known as spring onions or winter onions, although they are available all year round. Spring onions are not related to leeks or leeks, but to onions. They taste milder and bring color to the food.


Spring onions probably originally came from central and western China, and then later came to Europe via what is now Russia. With us, they either come from domestic cultivation or from Spain, Italy, France, and Egypt.


Spring onions are available all year round.


The lower, white onions taste mildly like onions, the green taste is more reminiscent of leeks and chives.


The onions go well raw in salads or with spicy herb quark. They have a firm place in Asian cuisine and add flavor to wok dishes, for example. But all dishes that are normally prepared with onions, such as meatloaf or fried potatoes, get a milder taste with spring onions. However, the green should not be cooked for too long, as it then loses its aroma.

Складиштење/рок трајања

Spring onions do not keep as long as table onions. They can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for about a week.

Фотографија аватара

Написао Јохн Миерс

Професионални кувар са 25 година искуства у индустрији на највишем нивоу. Власник ресторана. Директор пића са искуством у креирању национално признатих коктел програма светске класе. Писац хране са препознатљивим гласом и гледиштем које води кувар.

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