
Ahli Gizi Nyarioskeun Produk Mana Anu Cocog pikeun Mulangkeun Fungsi Peujit

The well-known nutritionist Svetlana Fus clearly noted that a very specific product contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

People should definitely include oatmeal in their morning diet. This was told by the famous nutritionist Svetlana Fus on her page on the social network Instagram.

“Good oatmeal contains fiber, which gives our intestines “vigor” and makes them work like clockwork, and a large percentage of protein. This is about a quarter of the amount found in meat,” the expert said.

Fuss noted that oatmeal contains all the vitamins and minerals the body needs.

“Oatmeal is a source of slow carbohydrates. Eating a bowl of whole-grain porridge in the morning will ensure a stable blood glucose level and a feeling of satiety for four to five hours,” she said.

In addition, says Fuss, oatmeal has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

“Fans of such a healthy breakfast have much fewer problems with excess weight,” the expert concluded.

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Ditulis ku Emma Gedang

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