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A little juice on fish or schnitzel, a shot in tea – many foods benefit from the freshness kick of sour fruit juice. In addition, he should be healthy and even help you lose weight. We explain everything you need to know about the sour joker.

A true miracle cure?

Lemon juice helps with colds, lets the pounds tumble when you’re on a diet, and is good for the skin: Such and similar claims are being made in the media and praise the sour juice as an all-purpose remedy. It is true that lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, but nutrition experts emphasize that a hot lemon with honey does not help with a cold. Like teas for colds, the drink can only shorten the duration of the illness somewhat, but cannot cure or prevent it. Nevertheless, lemon juice has a positive effect on health and is a worthwhile ingredient for food or drinks. Consumed regularly, the juice can boost the immune system and maintain cellular health. The latter is why some people drink warm lemon water in the morning: they want to harness the effects of vitamin C in building collagen, which is important for firm skin.

Does a Lemon Juice Diet Work?

Regarding the weight-reducing effect of lemon juice, it can be said that animal experiments have shown that it has an effect, but you certainly won’t lose several kilos in a few days if you only drink lemon water. As a basic thirst quencher with few calories, pure juice is not a bad choice. If you don’t like it so sour, we recommend our lemonade, which you can use with an alternative sweetener such as stevia or xylitol instead of sugar.

Lemon juice on the meal: Prime examples are fruit, fish, and schnitzel

Whether apples, avocados or bananas, the fruit turns brown after being cut open. This can be prevented in a simple and natural way with a little lemon juice. The citric acid prevents the oxidation that is responsible for the brown color. Incidentally, freshly squeezed juice works just as well here as concentrate. Drizzle lemon juice on fish, however, is purely a matter of taste these days. In the past, the juice was supposed to cover up the fishy smell of older goods, which is no longer necessary with modern methods of keeping food fresh. Gourmets don’t like the taste distortion caused by the juice, but if you like, you can of course continue to put lemon juice on fillets and fried fish. It’s the same with eating schnitzel, tastes are different. From a nutritional point of view, it makes sense to eat the meat with sour juice. The vitamin C it contains improves iron absorption.

A few recipe ideas with lemon juice

If you would like to include more of this valuable ingredient in your diet, mix yourself an alcohol-free fruit cocktail or add lemon juice to your smoothie. A juicy lemon cake, a refreshing lemon sorbet, and a fruity lemon jelly as a spread are other ideas. It is best to use a press to extract the juice from the fruit: Then the pips do not end up in the food or drink.

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Муаллиф Ҷон Майерс

Ошпази касбӣ бо таҷрибаи 25-солаи саноат дар сатҳи баландтарин. Соҳиби тарабхона. Директори нӯшокиҳо бо таҷрибаи эҷоди барномаҳои коктейлҳои дар сатҳи ҷаҳонӣ эътирофшуда. Нависандаи хӯрокворӣ бо овози хоси шеф ва нуқтаи назар.

Дин ва мазҳаб

Суроғаи почтаи электронии шумо нест, нашр карда мешавад. Майдонҳои талаб карда мешавад, ишора *

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