
Qor no'xati salatida tovuq filesi

5 dan 6 ovoz
Umumiy vaqt 30 daqiqa
Kurs Kechki ovqat
ovqat pishirish Evropa
Xizmatlar 4 odamlar
Kalori 166 kkal


  • 4 Tovuq filesi taxminan. Har biri 200 g
  • Tuz qalampiri
  • 150 g Thickened cranberries from the glass
  • 3 osh qoshiq neft
  • 2 osh qoshiq Soya sousi
  • 500 g Qor no'xati
  • 40 g Qarag'ay yong'oqlari
  • 2 Bahor piyozi
  • 2 osh qoshiq Oq sharob sirkasi
  • 1 choy qoshiq shakar
  • Pushti qalampir mevalari


  • Wash the fillets and pat dry. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the cranberries with 2 oils and soy sauce. Brush the fillets all around with it. Place the fillets in a roasting pan or a fire-proof glass dish and fry in a preheated oven (200 ° C, convection: 175 ° C) for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Clean and wash the snow peas and cut lengthways into strips. Roast the pine nuts in a non-stick frying pan. Take out and let cool on a plate. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan. Steam the snow peas in the hot oil for about 5 minutes.
  • Clean and wash the spring onions and cut into fine rings. Season the snow peas with wine vinegar, sugar, salt and pink pepper berries. Fold in the spring onion rings and roasted pine nuts.
  • Take the chicken fillets out of the oven and let them rest briefly. Then cut the fillets into pieces. Arrange the sugar snap salad on plates and place the cranberry fillets on top.
  • Oq non u bilan yoqimli ta'mga ega.
  • Tip 6: If you don't like soy sauce or are allergic to soy, you can replace it with lemon juice.


Xizmat: 100gKaloriyalar: 166kkalUglevodlar: 7.4gProtein: 3.6gYog ': 13.6g
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Tomonidan yozilgan Jon Myers

Yuqori darajadagi 25 yillik sanoat tajribasiga ega professional oshpaz. Restoran egasi. Jahon darajasidagi milliy tan olingan kokteyl dasturlarini yaratish tajribasiga ega ichimliklar direktori. Oshpaz tomonidan boshqariladigan o'ziga xos ovozi va nuqtai nazariga ega ovqat yozuvchisi.

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