
Mevali cho'chqa go'shti

5 dan 7 ovoz
Umumiy vaqt 2 soat 40 daqiqa
Kurs Kechki ovqat
ovqat pishirish Evropa
Xizmatlar 3 odamlar
Kalori 222 kkal


  • 600 g Cho'chqa go'shti
  • 1 osh qoshiq Raf yog'i
  • Tegirmondan qalampir
  • 6 qismlari Nonushta bekon
  • 3 sprigs Yangi marjoram
  • 3 sprigs Yangi tarragon
  • 2 osh qoshiq yog '
  • 2 Yangi banan
  • 3 Shaftoli yarmi
  • 3 Ananas bo'laklari
  • 4 choy qoshiq Kızılcık kompoti
  • 2 osh qoshiq Tozalangan bodomlar
  • 10 Belgilangan sanalar
  • Serano jambon bo'laklari
  • 1 osh qoshiq Elenmiş un
  • 0,125 L Cream
  • 1 osh qoshiq Soya sousi
  • 0,125 L Bulyon toza
  • 50 g Dudlangan cho'chqa go'shti


  • Clean the pork fillet and cut into pieces approx. 7cm wide, oil lightly and season with pepper. Then wrap the pieces with the breakfast bacon. Place in a baking dish (or plate), cover with the herb sprigs and cook at room temperature for approx. 2 hours. let rest.
  • Let the butter froth in a pan over moderate heat. Add the halved bananas, the peach halves filled with cranberries, the pineapple slices and the almond flakes and fry for 1 minute. Keep warm on a baking sheet at 120 °. Wrap the dates with the ham and add them.
  • Finely dice the bacon and fry in a second pan. Fry the wrapped pork tenderloin on each side for approx. 3 minutes. Place in the oven with the fruit on a baking sheet.


  • Beat the flour and a little cream until smooth. Add the rest of the cream, soy sauce and meat stock and whisk everything together.
  • Pour the mixed flour sauce into the meat pan and thicken while stirring. Salt and pepper to taste.


Xizmat: 100gKaloriyalar: 222kkalUglevodlar: 3.6gProtein: 14.2gYog ': 16.9g
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Tomonidan yozilgan Jon Myers

Yuqori darajadagi 25 yillik sanoat tajribasiga ega professional oshpaz. Restoran egasi. Jahon darajasidagi milliy tan olingan kokteyl dasturlarini yaratish tajribasiga ega ichimliklar direktori. Oshpaz tomonidan boshqariladigan o'ziga xos ovozi va nuqtai nazariga ega ovqat yozuvchisi.

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