Beverage of the Gods: How to Make Coffee at Home

Who doesn’t love that fragrant and magical smell in the morning – the smell of freshly brewed coffee? But always running to the coffee shop for a portion of your favorite drink is not always possible – it’s both time and money.

And what to do if you can not deny yourself this pleasure? Way out, as always, as simple as possible – to brew your own.

What is the best way to make coffee – the secrets

A turbine is considered the ideal container for making coffee. It can be used on the stove, and on the gas, so you can make coffee at home without hassle. At the same time, the best are considered copper and Melchior distillers.

What to make coffee in on the stove – options

If you do not have a turkey, it is not a problem. To brew fragrant coffee, you can use a wide metal mug or even a pot.

In this case, you first need to heat the coffee pot on the stove, then pour the ground beans and fill it with water. It is better to boil the drink on low heat. The first thing you should do is put the pot on the stove. The ritual is usually repeated three times.

What can be used to boil coffee, except for the turkey – a variety of choices

Mankind has come up with a lot of ways to make coffee, among them both time-tested and innovative methods.

The easiest thing to think of is to buy a coffee machine. The choice is now enormous – they have a variety of specifications and can be chosen for any purse. These machines allow you to make everything from a ristretto to a latte.

Another easy way to make coffee at home – is a drip coffee maker. The drink is very rich, with a high level of caffeine. However, in this case, you can count only on espresso or Americano, where you can also add milk.

Among the quick methods to make coffee, a geyser coffee maker is very popular. With a little practice, you can get a strong and aromatic beverage.

One of the uncommon options for brewing coffee is to use a French press. It is popular because it takes a little time to prepare the drink – only about five minutes. It is worth noting that in this case, the beans are not suitable for fine or medium grinding.

A close relative of the free press is an Aeropress, which uses a filter made of paper. It qualitatively separates the drink from the grounds.

A more sophisticated, but very effective way to get an invigorating drink is a vacuum coffee maker. During boiling, water falls from the lower vessel into the upper one, where the ground coffee beans get into it. Thanks to the vacuum, the already-finished drink falls back into the lower flask.

And an option for the lazy – to brew coffee directly in the cup. Ground beans must be poured into a cotton bag and pour boiling water into the cup.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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