How to Remove Lint From a Sweater or Pants: 4 Methods You Definitely Did Not Know About

The longer the pile, the lower the density of the fabric, and the more likely it is that lint will form when you wash or wear the garment, creating friction between the fabric and the garment. The longer the pile and the lower the density of the fabric, the more likely it is that the clothes will be listed.

How to remove lint – machine, and hands

This device is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of lint. It looks like an electric razor, sold in specialized stores. It can run on batteries or a rechargeable battery, and it fights lint by cutting it off with a blade.

Use the machine must be careful not to cut the fabric, so when passing the blades on the clothes, pull it slightly and do not press the device to things too strongly. When you’re finished, you’ll need to remove the trash compartment and shake out the lint.

How to remove lint from clothes with a razor – technique

This method requires maximum caution because it is easier to make a hole in things. Take into account that it is necessary to take not a new, but already used razor so that it is not too sharp.

Turn on the light or a desk lamp, spread the clothes on a flat surface, and stretch. Then run the razor over the problem areas several times until all the lint is removed.

How to remove lint from pants with a knife

You need an ordinary office knife, which is not difficult to buy in the store. The instructions for interacting with the object are the same as in method 2 – stretch the fabric and cut the lint from it with the knife. As you clean, pick up the lint with your hands and throw it in the trash.

How to remove lint from synthetics with Scotch tape

The method is only suitable for light fabrics, on which the lint is loose and holds weakly. For example, knitted and woolen things can not overcome scotch, so do not try.

In order to effectively and quickly remove lint from hoodies, T-shirts, or other clothing, unroll 10-15 cm of tape, stick it on the fabric, and carefully smooth it out. After 2 minutes, tear off the tape sharply, pulling on the fabric – you will see how all the lint remains on the strip of adhesive tape.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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