
Postres Gelats amb Pera Tipsy

5 de 9 vots
Temps total 20 acta
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 4 persones
Calories 108 kcal


  • 4 Peres fresques
  • 1 L Vi calat
  • 1 paquet Gelat de vainilla
  • 8 cda Vinagre balsàmic de grosella
  • 8 Pastes de full
  • 8 Physalis
  • 8 Flocs de xocolata


  • Prepare the pears 24 hours before serving. Peel with a peeler, leaving the handle on if possible. Then 1 bottle or bag of mulled wine (if you have the time, you can prepare it yourself.) Simmer in the pot with the pears. When the mulled wine is boiling, turn off the heat and just let it steep. Leave the pears in the mulled wine until you are ready to use them again.
  • Then cut the pears in half lengthways. Carefully remove the core housing. Cut one half into thin slices and lay out as a rosette.
  • Vanilla ice cream, unfortunately still bought (Hopefully Santa Claus will bring an ice cream machine soon!). The ice cream with the currant balsamic vinegar (own production) or chocolate balsamic vinegar and much more. m. garnish.
  • Everything on a plate attractively, e.g. with physique or cream (unfortunately it was all) and serve the puff pastry.
  • Serving suggestion - Let your imagination run wild.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 108kcalHidrats de carboni: 14.8gProteïna: 0.2gGreix: 0.1g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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Cocció: Pastís d'Àngel

Gelatina balsàmica de grosella vermella