
Can You Die from a Watermelon: Why Early Watermelons are Dangerous and for Whom They are Generally Contraindicated

Eating even ripe and not early watermelon without nitrates has its risks. Watermelon is a sweet and refreshing low-calorie summer snack. It provides hydration and also provides essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Along with melon, honeydew, and cucumber, watermelons belong to the pumpkin family. There are five common types of watermelons: seeded, seedless, mini, yellow, and orange.

In this article, you will learn more about the possible health and nutritional benefits of watermelon, as well as some tips for serving it and the dangers of watermelon. First of all, there are risks in eating even ripe and not early watermelon without nitrates.

The risk

Why is watermelon harmful? Moderate amounts of watermelon do not pose a serious health risk to most people, but some may need to be careful.

Diabetes: Watermelon is a fruit with a natural sugar content. People with diabetes should consider these carbohydrates in their daily diet. It is better to consume watermelon whole rather than juice, as the juice removes fiber, making it easier for the body to absorb sugar. This can increase the risk of a glucose spike. Remember to watch portion sizes, as with all fruits and juices.

Allergies: Some people may develop symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing, after eating watermelon. If this happens, the person needs medical attention, as it can sometimes lead to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition.

Why are early watermelons dangerous?

Everyone knows that watermelons ripen in the southern sun by the end of summer. During the season, the price is low, which does not suit sellers. By being the first to put the product on the market, they can earn more. Therefore, enterprising sellers have to feed the plants with nitrates. Thanks to chemistry, the growth of watermelons is accelerated. They manage to harvest in June-July when competitors are working on melon.

Most watermelons are grown on plantations rather than in greenhouses. Young plants are demanding heat. However, they become stronger as they gain green mass. To save the plantings from temperature changes, farmers apply a lot of fertilizers. Mostly nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers are used. They improve soil fertility and contribute to the early ripening of watermelons.

That is why early watermelons can contain many toxic components due to excessive use of fertilizers. They cannot be tasted. Once in the stomach, nitrates quickly turn into nitrites, which pose a threat to hemoglobin. Combined with blood cells, they convert them into methemoglobin. Gradually, oxygen starvation begins in the body, leading to a general deterioration in health.

When eating watermelons “fed” with nitrates, poisoning often occurs. Symptoms appear more often 2-3 hours after eating the product. Harmful substances are completely absorbed into the bloodstream over such a long period of time, so serious treatment is required.

If you do not seek medical attention in time and ignore serious symptoms of poisoning, you can die from severe intoxication and dehydration. Children are especially sensitive to such substances. Therefore, eating watermelons in June and July is not a good idea.

How to check watermelon for nitrates at home

To check watermelon for nitrates at home, it is enough to cut off a small piece of the “berry” and mash it a little in a glass of distilled water (or boiled ordinary water). In the presence of nitrates, the water will turn red.

The benefits of watermelon

The water content of watermelon can help a person avoid dehydration. Watermelon is about 90% water, which makes it useful in the summer to prevent dehydration. It can also satisfy a sweet tooth with its natural sugar.

Watermelon also contains antioxidants. These substances can help remove molecules known as free radicals or reactive substances from the body. The body produces free radicals during natural processes such as metabolism. They can also develop from smoking, air pollution, stress, and other environmental factors.

If too many free radicals remain in the body, oxidative stress can occur. This can lead to cell damage and a number of diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

The body can remove some free radicals naturally, but dietary antioxidants support this process. Below are some of the ways that the antioxidants and other nutrients found in watermelon can help protect human health.

Prevent asthma

Some experts believe that free radicals contribute to the development of asthma. The presence of certain antioxidants in the lungs, including vitamin C, can reduce the risk of developing asthma.

Studies have not confirmed that taking vitamin C supplements can help prevent asthma, but a diet rich in vitamin C may provide some protection. A cup of watermelon balls weighing about 154 grams (g) provides 12.5 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C or 14% to 16% of a person’s reliable source of daily requirements.

Blood pressure

In a 2012 study, researchers found that watermelon extract reduced blood pressure in and around the ankles in middle-aged obese people with early-onset hypertension. The authors suggested that L-citrulline and L-arginine, two antioxidants in watermelon, may improve arterial function.

Lycopene, another antioxidant in watermelon, may help protect against heart disease. A review in 2017 suggested that this may be done by reducing inflammation associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol.

Phytosterols are plant compounds that may help manage low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol. Some guidelines recommend consuming 2 grams (g) of phytosterols daily. 154 g of watermelon balls provides a small amount – 3.08 mg.

Reducing LDL cholesterol may help prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the exact effect of phytosterols on CVD remains unclear.


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) notes that free radicals may play a role in the development of some types of cancer. The oxidative stress they cause can lead to DNA damage in cells.

Dietary antioxidants found in watermelon, such as vitamin C, can help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals. Some studies have also linked lycopene consumption to a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Digestion and regularity

Watermelon has a high water content and also contains some fiber. These nutrients help maintain bowel health by preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.


Watermelon is 90% water and also contains electrolytes such as potassium. This makes it a healthy snack during the hot summer months.

People can eat watermelon fresh, in juice form, or in frozen pieces for a delicious popsicle-style cold snack.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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