
Fasting Properly: Important Tips Plus A One-Week Fasting Cure

Proper therapeutic fasting is like a restart for our body. We help him to detoxify and regenerate. Read here what you should definitely pay attention to when fasting and try our one-week fasting cure afterwards.

Your pants pinch, you feel bloated, your skin is pale and your mood is in the basement? The ideal time for therapeutic fasting. We reveal what is important and tell you how you should fast properly.

High time to do something good for our body with a fasting cure. Because an unhealthy diet slows down our metabolism. The resulting waste products are no longer completely discharged from the body and are stored in the organs. But only when the liver, kidneys and intestines are working properly is the body able to defend itself against external attackers and to heal itself.

Therapeutic fasting: what happens in the body?

With therapeutic fasting, we do without solid food – everything that needs to be chewed is left out for the duration of the cure. This saves our organism the energy that is normally required for the digestion process. The body now uses all its strength for the inner cleansing process: it detoxifies and renews the cells. Fasting has a positive effect on our body and soul.

Even a therapeutic fasting of ten to twelve days lowers blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Symptoms caused by migraines, allergies and skin diseases can also improve significantly. With therapeutic fasting, we also get rid of mental ballast: Most fasting people feel internally balanced and less stressed than before in the weeks after the cure.

How does fasting work properly?

On the first day of fasting, we cleanse the body with Glauber’s salt (pharmacy, dose for people of normal weight: 30 grams of salt in 1/2 liter of water; for overweight people: 40 g in 3/4 liters of water) or Epsom salt. One or two days off are planned before the treatment, on which light meals such as raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, soups, rice and muesli are eaten. By consciously avoiding heavy food, the body is already preparing for fasting on these days.

It is important to drink enough during the therapeutic fasting (at least 2.5 liters per day) to flush out all toxins. Water, unsweetened tea and one or two glasses of fruit juice per day are permitted. In addition, clear, freshly cooked vegetable broth provides important nutrients and vitamins.

How do I help the body detoxify?

Long walks and hikes keep the body fit and support detoxification. Since we also eliminate pollutants through our skin, fresh air is particularly good for us. Rest periods are just as important as exercise. It’s best to fast on vacation, then the body can get enough sleep – because therapeutic fasting takes energy.

The liver in particular does a great job of removing toxins. We relieve the organ with a warm, damp wrap.

How to make the liver wrap:

  1. Place a small towel dampened with warm water on the right side of your upper abdomen (rib cage).
  2. Then there is a hot water bottle, and finally wrap a large, dry towel around your body.
  3. Relax on the sofa for 30 minutes.

Another fasting helper: One or two spoonfuls of healing earth (for example from the pharmacy) help against stomach pain.

Proper therapeutic fasting: plan for a one-week cure

You should plan seven days for the cure, optionally ten to 14. During this time, avoid solid food and drink plenty of liquids. So that you can really get involved with fasting, you should reduce your private and professional stress as much as possible. During therapeutic fasting, it is good not only to cleanse the body, but also to “clear out” the head. Long walks de-stress the brain.

Day 1: Relief day

A day of rice prepares you for the fasting cure. If you cook 150 grams of brown rice for 25 minutes, you have three servings (each 50 grams) for the whole day.


Quarter and core an apple, cut into wedges and sauté in a pan over medium heat until soft.
Add a portion of rice. Season with some cinnamon.


Depending on your taste, add steamed onion quarters, tomato wedges and zucchini to the rice.
Season with pepper and add fresh herbs such as basil, thyme and sage to the pan.

Finally, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Day 2-6: Detox

On the first day you drink a solution with laxative Glauber’s salt in the morning (30 grams of salt in half a liter of water, overweight people 40 grams in three quarters of a liter). Important: Drink at least 2.5 liters of water, herbal tea, clear vegetable broth and one to two glasses of fruit or vegetable juice per day during the entire treatment. In this way you take in about 250 kilocalories.

Ingredients for the vegetable broth:

300 milliliters of water
250 grams of vegetables, e.g. B. carrots, leeks, onions, tomatoes, potatoes
a pinch of salt
a tablespoon of herbs


Peel the vegetables, cut into small pieces and bring to the boil with the water.
Let the broth simmer on the lowest flame for 15 to 30 minutes. Strain around 80 percent of the vegetables through a fine sieve and puree the rest.

Add a pinch of salt and then serve the broth with the fresh herbs to taste.

Day 7: Adjust your body

On the day you break the fast, your body slowly gets used to solid food again. The best way to do this after the therapeutic fasting is to eat as light a meal as possible.

Breakfast: Drink 1/4 liter of herbal tea.

Midday: Eat an apple.

Afternoon: Drink some fruit and herbal tea with honey and lemon.

In the evening: potato soup

Peel a medium-sized potato and 160 grams of vegetables, cut into small pieces and sauté in a saucepan with a teaspoon of butter.
Add 300 milliliters of water, salt, boil for 30 minutes.
Blend in blender and add fresh herbs.
Season with salt and nutmeg.

Alternatives to classic therapeutic fasting

Gentle fasting with fruit and vegetables: Anyone who has to work during therapeutic fasting or is worried about not being able to keep up with the cure can choose a gentler fasting method: so-called alkaline fasting. Three to five small meals of fruit and vegetables are allowed daily. Cereals and animal products are avoided. Fasting also has a detoxifying effect.

If your main goal is to lose weight with fasting, you can also try 16:8 intermittent fasting.

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Written by Mia Lane

I am a professional chef, food writer, recipe developer, diligent editor, and content producer. I work with national brands, individuals, and small businesses to create and improve written collateral. From developing niche recipes for gluten-free and vegan banana cookies, to photographing extravagant homemade sandwiches, to crafting a top-ranking how-to guide on substituting eggs in baked goods, I work in all things food.

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