
FODMAP Diet: Everything You Need to Know About The Weight Loss Program

The FODMAP diet: This is behind the diet

Australian nutritionists developed the FODMAP diet as part of the therapy for irritable bowel patients. The treatments were successful, so the new concept quickly spread around the world.

  • The term FODMAP stands for the first letters of a string of words: fermentable-oligo-di-monosaccharides-and-polyols. All of these words refer to fermentable carbohydrates and polyvalent sugar alcohols found in foods. An example would be sorbitol.
  • These types of carbohydrates are found in many of the foods that we eat every day and that most people don’t have any problems with. This includes various fruits and vegetables, as well as some grains and most dairy products.
  • However, the substances contained in the products have not been artificially added. They are naturally present in the product. The short-chain carbohydrates are actually indigestible for humans. As such, they bypass absorption into the bloodstream.
  • Instead, these particular types of carbohydrates are fermented in the rectum. Disadvantage: Hydrogen is produced in the process. This, in turn, uses carbohydrates as fuel. And this is exactly where the problem arises for sensitive people: they suffer from painful digestive problems as a result.
  • In addition, these types of carbohydrates, known in science as FODMAPs, are osmotic. They also remove water from the intestines and thus promote not only pain but also diarrhea for those affected.

How the FODMAP diet works

Diet must not be associated here with the desire to lose weight. Rather, the FODMAP diet is about the actual meaning of the word diet, which is derived from ancient Greek and stands for lifestyle or lifestyle. It is about the right diet and lifestyle for people who are sensitive to FODMAPs.

  • First and foremost, people with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome use this special form of nutrition. This significantly improves their quality of life, as they suffer less from flatulence and diarrhea by not eating certain foods.
  • General abdominal pain and constipation after episodes of diarrhea also decrease. This usually results in psychological relaxation for those affected. The fears of having digestive problems again disappear the longer the diet is carried out.
  • At the beginning of the diet, the doctor will explain which foods have a high FODMAP content. For several weeks, the patient must strictly avoid all selected foods.
  • The doctor will then try to find out whether the person affected reacts to a specific FODMAP or to several. The most common reason for complaints is found in lactose. But fructose is also one of the most FODMAPs.
  • Therefore, the FODMAP diet does not serve as a long-term diet, but rather clarifies the causes of digestive problems.
  • At the end of the FODMAP diet, certain foods are excluded or restricted for the person concerned under medical supervision. If the diagnosis was successful, which takes several weeks and is often carried out in a nutrition clinic, the affected person regains some quality of life.

Those affected should avoid these foods

The oligosaccharides are carbohydrates called polysaccharides. They are made up of monosaccharides, and simple sugars. However, this does not only apply to wheat products. The fructose- and galactooligosaccharides also fall into this group of affected foods.

  • Rye and wheat as well as numerous types of fruit and vegetables are among the unsuitable foods. They include FODMAPs. However, some manufacturing and processing steps also affect the levels of FODMAPs in individual foods.
  • Lentils, garlic, and broccoli, as well as all wheat, barley, and rye products, are high in FODMAPs. Slightly less is found in corn, millet, oats, carrots, celery, and quinoa, which is why these products are also considered FODMAP alternatives.
  • The most common representative of the disaccharides is without doubt lactose. Therefore, normal milk and its products should be eliminated from the diet. Cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, quark, and ricotta are also unsuitable foods for many weeks.
  • As an alternative, affected products are available with low FODMAPs. These include cheddar, lactose-free milk, or parmesan cheese.
  • When it comes to fruit and vegetables, it is essential to avoid the following: apples, apricots, mangoes, watermelons, dates, and figs, as well as cherries and pears. Alternatively, unripe bananas, rhubarb, and, among other things, kiwi can be used after the diet.
  • Furthermore, sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, and xylitol are not suitable as polyols. You should therefore observe the information on the contents of sweeteners and chewing gum and avoid various types of syrup, such as agave syrup.

Foods allowed on the FODMAP diet

During the implementation of the diet, the designated food areas are not completely excluded. The doctors rely on a lower intake and alternatives. Orientation towards the low-carb concept offers the first possible diet strategy.

  • Since foods such as fish, eggs, and meat are usually well tolerated by those affected, they are often used during the diet.
  • Nuts are ideal between meals or snacks, but also seeds and the nut types peanuts and macadamia as special shapes.
  • In the area of dairy products, those affected should select lactose-free products. If plant-based alternatives such as oat milk are chosen, you must ensure that they do not contain any lactose.
  • Gluten-free products are ideal for using cereals, and products such as table sugar or similar for sweetening, but without the “-old” suffix on the product description.

The diet is not for everyone

If you suffer from irritable bowel problems, the FODMAP diet may be a temporary diet to relieve symptoms and clarify causes. Reducing FODMAPs can also improve symptoms in diseases such as Crohn’s disease.

  • Note: The use of the FODMAP diet is not intended to cure any disease. It can only alleviate your symptoms. If you suffer from lactose, fructose, or sorbitol intolerance, the diet form can also be of help to you.
  • Whether the diet described is suitable for you personally should only be discussed with your doctor or a nutritionist. This article is intended only to introduce a diet.
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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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