
How Is Lobster Prepared?

To prepare lobster, first cook it in boiling water or a simmering stock of sea salt, carrots, leeks, celery, garlic, herbs, and cumin. Depending on the size, it should steep for about 15 to 25 minutes. During this time, the animal’s dark skin gets its typical “cancer red”. The coloring is caused by the red color pigment astaxanthin, which is only released during cooking and thus turns the original blue-black color into the well-known red. When cooking lobster, it is important that the pot is large enough. This is the only way the lobster can be completely submerged in the water or the stock. Expect at least half a lobster per person. In the trade you can usually get specimens weighing between 750 and 1500 grams.

Prepare lobster: alive – or not?

When you cook fresh lobster, it’s often said to add it alive to the boiling water. It has to do with durability. Our experts reveal exactly why lobsters are cooked alive. However, studies have now refuted the assumption that the animals do not feel any pain. Therefore, prior stunning is considered more humane. You can also buy pre-cooked lobster. These are mostly tails. These, in turn, are particularly good if you want to use the grill to prepare the lobster. You can also cook lobster in the steamer. The variants are diverse. If you are preparing lobster that has been frozen, you should thaw the meat slowly in the refrigerator beforehand to prevent it from becoming tough. After that, it is best to serve it cold. Alternatively, frozen lobster can be prepared by heating it in gently simmering water.

Loosen the meat properly and disassemble the lobster

When preparing lobster, you also need to loosen the meat and disassemble the animal. Here’s how it works: After cooking, remove the lobster meat from the shell. To disassemble, twist off the scissor arms and separate the arms and scissors. The meat from the arms can be plucked out with a fork. You can access the contents of the scissors with special lobster scissors, or alternatively with sturdy kitchen scissors. Also detach the tail in a twisting motion, then turn it onto its back and cut open on both sides. Finally, detach the shell and remove the intestinal cord. After that you can serve the lobster.

Prepare and Eat Lobster: Side Dishes and Wine

Side dishes that do not overpower the characteristic flavor of the crab meat go well with the lobster. White bread, wild rice, or mashed potatoes are ideal. Subtle green vegetables such as fennel, leek or asparagus also go well with it. A dry white wine with low acidity is ideal as an accompaniment. Our expert knows which wine generally goes well with seafood. If you don’t have lobster ready, you can also use King Prawns to prepare our delicious Surf & Turf with beef fillet, tomatoes, and a delicious mascarpone cream.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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