
How Many Meals Per Day Are Recommended For Children?

Five meals a day are ideal for children, which can be divided into three main meals and two snacks. Make sure that your child eats as varied and varied as possible. Children also enjoy having company at mealtimes rather than having to eat alone. A child does not have to eat up every time, so the natural feeling of satiety is retained.

Have the first breakfast with your child at home in the morning. Depending on their age, the offspring can then eat a second breakfast either at home, in kindergarten, or at school. The first and second breakfast should complement each other in terms of quantity and food. If the first breakfast is small and the food is rather sweet, the second breakfast should be more extensive, and hearty food should be offered.

Then there is lunch, which should be balanced and varied over the days. You can prepare a vegetarian meal for your child three to four times a week and there are smaller portions of meat on three days. You can offer fish one or two days a week. It is also possible to eat cold at lunchtime, but then there should be a warm meal in the evening.

In the afternoon, a small snack keeps your child from losing concentration and performance. Counteract the afternoon slump with nuts, fresh fruit, dried fruit, wholemeal crispbread with quark and jam, and yogurt with fresh fruit.

So that your child can digest the food well and sleep well after supper, you should not take it too late. In the evening you can supplement the menu with the foods that have been neglected over the rest of the day. If your child ate lunch at daycare or school, ask what was on offer. In this way, you can offer your offspring a balanced diet. The food pyramid reveals how a balanced diet is made up.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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