
Detoxify The Body – This Is How It Works The Natural Way!


There are those phases in which you somehow lack strength and drive and you have headaches or problems with your stomach and intestines more often than usual. Often these are all small warning signals that call: Time to detoxify the body!

Why is detoxifying the body so important?

For our organism to function, it needs a balance of acidic and basic substances. However, since we usually eat too many acidic foods such as meat, dairy products, or sugar, there is an excess of acid in the body.

At some point, our internal cleansing system, the liver, and kidneys, can no longer compensate for this. The result: We become exhausted and moody, digestive, muscle, and joint problems increase, and sleep is disturbed.

It is high time that you detoxify your body and relieves the organs! There is a new approach to this: herbal detox. Fresh green reduces acidity, gets digestion going, and supports the liver and kidneys in detoxifying.

Tarragon, turmeric, dandelion, mint, and thyme z. B. promote fat digestion in the liver and bile. Ginger, coriander, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and chives stimulate gastric juices and digestive enzymes and have an antispasmodic and antibacterial effect. The kidneys benefit from the draining properties of basil, birch leaves, nettle, watercress, chervil, and lovage.

Detoxify the body: Small herbal cure for new energy

Use the power of herbs! A one-week lightning cure helps the body to get back into balance – without you having to go hungry. You should only avoid acidic foods and instead combine vegetables with herbs more often. Cook dishes with alkaline foods that help detoxify the body (see table).

The large food overview for your lightning cure to detoxify the body

On the left you will find foods that are particularly base-forming and restore balance in the body. In principle, the following applies: Always gladly access fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, and salad! Acidic foods (right) should be reduced first.

Written by Ashley Wright

I am a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian. Shortly after taking and passing the licensure examination for Nutritionist-Dietitians, I pursued a Diploma in Culinary Arts, so I am also a certified chef. I decided to supplement my license with a study in the culinary arts because I believe that it will help me harness the best of my knowledge with real-world applications that can help people. These two passions form part and parcel of my professional life, and I am excited to work with any project that involves food, nutrition, fitness, and health.

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