
This Is What Happens When You Drink A Coke


Cola and other soft drinks are popular thirst quenchers. But what happens in the body when you drink a can of Coke? What happens when sugar, caffeine, and added acids get to the teeth and then into the digestive system? What happens when all these substances end up in the blood? If you want to know what cola does to your body in the first hour, read on here.

A cola – and then what happens?

It has long been known that you should be able to clean the toilet with Cola. If you leave the cola there for an hour, it apparently leaves a sparkling clean spot.

However, if you drink this “toilet cleaner” – which many people do very regularly – the result is probably not quite as beneficial. The cola begins its destructive work in the mouth. There it changes the oral flora, feeds caries bacteria, and attacks tooth enamel – before continuing on its journey and causing damage at every station in the body.

Coke doesn’t have a lot of ingredients—water, sugar, coloring, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and flavor—but sugar, caffeine, and phosphoric acid are enough to turn water into a health disaster.

The first hour after a coke

Now, what happens in the body in the first 60 minutes after you have drunk a coke?

10 minutes after a coke

In the first 10 minutes after the cola has landed in the body, the organism is confronted with an amount of sugar that corresponds to about 10 teaspoons of granulated sugar/table sugar. The extremely sweet taste can only be endured because it is masked by the added acids. Both together – sugar and acids – represent a kind of super meltdown for the teeth. At the same time, a veritable flood of sugar spills into the blood.

20 minutes after a coke

After 20 minutes, the blood sugar level reaches its maximum. The pancreas reacts with high activity and sends as much insulin into the blood as it can. Insulin levels skyrocket.

If it’s an American Coke or other soda that’s sweetened with HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup), then the liver has to work overtime to process the fructose masses, too. What does the liver do with fructose? It turns the sugar into fat – a fat that builds up around the liver and over time leads to a heavy and yellow fatty liver.

While it has always been believed that diabetes causes a fatty liver, we now know that it is rather the other way around, that is, fatty liver is there and increases the risk of diabetes.

40 minutes after a coke

After about 40 minutes, the body has absorbed the full amount of caffeine and is now in a state of caffeine-induced stress. Blood pressure rises and the pupils are slightly dilated. Stress hormones are now urging the liver to pump out sugar to cope with either fight or flight.

But the organism has only just survived a flood of sugar. Now he has to watch again as he removes the sugar from the blood again. Because in general, the cola drinker will neither fight nor flee. So he will not consume sugar through physical activities. As a result, the pancreas is in demand again and has to release insulin again to regulate blood sugar.

Blood sugar fluctuations of this kind, however, lead to chronic inflammatory processes in the body, especially in combination with chronically elevated insulin levels. However, these are now known to be the harbingers of almost every civilization disease – whether it is arteriosclerosis, heart attack, high blood pressure or diabetes or whether it is arthritis, osteoporosis, neurodermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, chronic sinusitis, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, Alzheimer’s, cancer or whatever acts.

But you finally feel awake – no later than 40 minutes after a cola – which very few people seem to be able to do today without caffeine-based stimulants. Because if you don’t drink cola, you drink coffee. Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors. This floods the brain with activating messengers that would otherwise have been blocked by adenosine.

45 minutes after a coke

Five minutes later you can enjoy dopamine – a messenger substance that is one of the happy hormones. Dopamine is also known as the reward hormone, it is always released when you do something with enthusiasm or when you have achieved a goal.

However, since it is becoming increasingly common today that everyday life is carried out without any enthusiasm and many people no longer even pursue goals, cola or other drugs are just the thing. You get the dopamine kick without any effort.

60 minutes after a coke

After an hour, the phosphoric acid has also done its job and bound a number of vital substances such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc. in the small intestine so that the body can no longer use them. Since many people these days are already suffering from a magnesium and/or zinc deficiency anyway, drinking cola makes this problem even worse.

However, a lack of vital substances is now associated with almost every illness, so cola drinkers – like smokers – have to take food supplements every day to compensate for their cola-related deficit due to the overexploitation they cause with their health.

What Happens When You STOP Drinking Coke?

Cola leads i.a. to blood sugar fluctuations, chronic inflammatory processes, the storage of fat, the loss of nutrients, internal stress, and an increase in blood pressure. The cola drinker doesn’t notice any of this at first, because his brain is simultaneously befuddled by artificially created feelings of happiness, which means that more and more cola is drunk – just as it should be for a drug. At some point – many years later – one wonders where diabetes, vascular disease, heart problem, diseased joints, the allergy, etc. might come from.

Consequently, a single cola stresses the human organism for at least one hour. With 1.6 billion colas sold worldwide every day, it’s hardly surprising that heart disease, diabetes, malnutrition, and obesity are slowly but surely ravaging people. Because it’s not just colas that have the effects mentioned, but other caffeine- and sugar-rich soft drinks as well.

Many people are very overweight, struggle with impure skin, and suffer from poor concentration and chronic fatigue. Then they give up the habit of drinking coke (the coffee too) – and become a different person. The excess weight melts away, the skin improves within a few weeks, you can concentrate very well and you don’t even need a caffeine kick to wake up in the morning.

So if you’re already struggling with health problems or are overweight, skip the cola and other caffeinated and sugary drinks. And if you now say that I don’t like water, then remember: Cola and coffee are addictive! Even an alcoholic does not generally like water. It takes time to get away from it. When the body is finally free from the corresponding addiction, water tastes good again. So it’s not normal if you don’t like water!

Cristiano Ronaldo refuses Coke

In 2020, the professional soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo demonstratively cleared the two bottles of cola from his table where he was supposed to hold a press conference and instead raised a bottle of water in the air (see here). And in the summer of 2022, a newly hired nutritionist at French Premier League club Paris St. Germain ordered players to stop drinking Coke. The drink was therefore removed from the menu of the club’s canteen.

Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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