
Prepare Salsify: This is How it Works


Black salsify is rather inconspicuous at first glance because of its rough, earthy skin. The white, rod-shaped interior, which is wonderful for preparing delicious dishes, only reveals itself when you peel it. Black salsify is in season from October to April and is known as winter asparagus due to its similarity to asparagus. There is a difference in taste: Black salsify tastes tart and nuttier than its popular twin in spring.

For a long time, winter vegetables had the dusty image of an old vegetable variety. Black salsify is now enjoying increasing popularity. This may be mainly due to their many ingredients. Black salsify is a real boon for your health. It is rich in inulin, a substance that strengthens the intestinal flora and stimulates fat metabolism. It also contains few calories – ideal for a health-conscious diet! It has been proven that salsify contains the most nutrients of all vegetables after peas and beans – including potassium, which is good for cells and blood pressure. The vitamins are hidden in black salsify ensure a strengthened immune system, especially in winter, and provide an extra portion of energy on gray days. Our recipe tips will tell you what else you should know about the power vegetable and how you can prepare black salsify.

Preparing black salsify: the most important things in brief

Black salsify is very easy to prepare. First, remove the peel with a vegetable peeler. Wear gloves to protect your skin from the sticky juice. To prevent the white sticks from turning brown, soak them in vinegar or lemon water before cooking. A second way to peel the vegetables is to boil them in a water bath for 15 to 20 minutes and then use a knife to loosen the peel. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and boil them in salted water.

When do you get salsify?

Black salsify can be purchased from greengrocers or supermarkets from October to April. When buying, you should make sure that the rods are neither too thick nor too thin. A circumference of two to three centimeters at the top is ideal. Branching can be a sign that the root vegetable was harvested too late and is no longer quite as flavorful. When buying, also keep an eye on open spots and injuries on the shell. These allow the juice to escape and the vegetables to dry out. The black salsify can then no longer be kept and enjoyed for so long.

What is the best way to peel salsify?

You can peel uncooked salsify with a vegetable peeler. To prevent stains, you should either wear gloves or remove the peel under running water. Attention: The black salsify sticks quickly turn brown after peeling. To prevent this, place them in a bowl of lemon or vinegar water. In this way, the black salsifies keep their white color.

Another way to peel the vegetables is to boil them in a water bath with a dash of vinegar or lemon juice for 15 to 25 minutes. The skin can then be easily removed with a kitchen knife.

Basic recipe: prepare salsify

Black salsify is quick and easy to prepare. To do this, peel the vegetables as described above and soak them briefly in lemon or vinegar water. Cut the stalks into small pieces and place them in boiling water. Add lemon juice and some salt. After about 15 to 20 minutes, the roots are ready to eat. If you like, you can complement the nutty taste of the vegetables with a fine, homemade butter sauce. A second way to enjoy the black salsify is to prepare the vegetables in the pan. After cooking, simply fry the sticks in olive oil and add delicious herbs – a winter side dish with lots of enjoyment!

More recipes with salsify

A great idea for cold winter evenings and so healthy at the same time: a hearty black salsify casserole baked with cheese warms you from the inside and provides important nutrients. With onions, tomato paste, and herbs, the hearty vegetarian casserole gets additional flavor. Or how about salsify in a delicious morel sauce, refined with fresh parsley and white wine? Both recipes are great ways to rediscover the tasty root!

Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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