
Apelsinai – populiarus citrusinis vaisius

Oranges, also known as oranges, are the fruits of an evergreen rhombaceous family, the flesh of which consists of 6-12 segments. A distinction is made between blond oranges with a light yellow to orange flesh, blood oranges with an orange to deep red flesh, and navel oranges with a protuberance on the underside of the fruit, on which a second, underdeveloped daughter fruit has formed.


The orange originally comes from China and is a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. In the 15th and 16th centuries, it was brought to Europe by sailors and was initially cultivated primarily in Portugal. Today it is cultivated around the world in the subtropical zone.

In winter, oranges come onto the market here, mainly from Spain. During this time, however, they can also come from Israel, Morocco, Italy, or Greece. Overseas oranges are available in summer.


Most of our oranges come from Spain. The main season is from November to May, but in the summer months oranges are imported from the southern hemisphere so that they are available all year round. Blood oranges are available from December to March.


Oranges taste sweet and sour and very aromatic. The longer they ripen on the tree, the sweeter the fruit becomes.


Many of the fruits are eaten fresh or drunk as juice. But they also taste good as orange marmalade, in desserts, salads, and with fish and meat dishes. The grated skin of untreated fruit is often used for flavoring.


Oranges are best stored in a cool, dry, and airy place.


To avoid mold, you should buy fruit with an undamaged skin and no brown spots and check them occasionally during storage. They will keep for 1-2 weeks at room temperature, but shorter if untreated.

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Parašyta Johnas Myersas

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