
Senėjimą stabdantis maistas: kokie vaisiai ir daržovės išlaiko jaunystę?

Basically, there is no anti-aging food that slows down the aging process or ensures a permanently young appearance. At best, the skin aging process can be slowed down to a certain extent with the right diet – but nobody should expect a miraculous rejuvenation cure.

Such anti-aging food can be found mainly among fruits and vegetables. Regular consumption can prevent inflammation under the skin, which accelerates the aging process of the skin. In addition, fruit and vegetables contain many valuable nutrients that protect against free radicals. These are certain oxygen molecules that can destroy cells and alter DNA. Among other things, they can be traced back to an improper diet, smoking, or excessive UV radiation.

So-called antioxidants act like a protective shield against free radicals and are therefore important components of anti-aging foods. Vitamins C and E and carotenoids are considered antioxidants and are found in most fruits and vegetables. For example, berries have a good reputation as anti-aging foods. The juice of the elderberries in particular is considered a kind of fountain of youth. But blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and currants also support the body’s own protective systems with their ingredients.

Carotenoids are found in carrots, but also in tomatoes. They ensure a fresh complexion and, if consumed frequently, also improve the skin’s own protection against the sun’s rays. Carotenoids work best when carrots are cut/grated very small or eaten as juice, as the body can then absorb and utilize them better. Some carotenoids in tomatoes become more effective when heated, while the proportion of other vitamins decreases. Vitamin C in particular is very sensitive to heat and light. Vitamins C and E can be found, for example, in anti-aging foods such as kohlrabi, peppers, and salsify, as well as nuts and seeds.

A bright color in fruits and vegetables usually indicates that they are high in antioxidants. This not only means bright red foods such as peppers, strawberries, or tomatoes, but also orange ones such as carrots or green ones such as broccoli or spinach.

Alongside anti-aging food, you can counteract skin aging by regularly drinking enough water – for example water and unsweetened teas, which also contain antioxidants. If you also ensure enough restful sleep, take care of your skin type, avoid intensive sunbathing and excessive negative stress, you can keep your youthful appearance for longer.

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Parašyta Johnas Myersas

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