Храна која е изненадувачки погодна за диета

Need to lose pounds? Is dieting a hassle for you?

To lose weight, you have to choke on unpalatable foods and suffer from hunger. Is that your opinion? It really shouldn’t be in your head. By focusing on quality rather than quantity, you can make your diet tasty for weight loss and sustainable for your psyche. Eating healthy, nutritious (and high-calorie) foods can help you get full with less.

Many of the foods that are contraindicated for dieting are actually foods that help you reach your goals. Here are eight foods with which you can not only achieve your weight loss goals, but also get rid of them for good. This doesn’t always apply to dairy products. A recent study published in the American Journal of Nutrition found that more than 18,000 women who consumed large amounts of whole milk fatty dairy products had a lower risk of obesity than other people.

What’s wrong with fatty milk?

Draining milk removes some of the essential fatty acids. This essential fatty acid is the same ingredient that helps you get full faster and stay full longer if you eat fatty foods in particular. Some studies have shown that when you cut back on fats in your diet, they are replaced by sugar and refined carbohydrates, which makes your overall health worse.

In short, eat a variety of dairy products and don’t worry about the amount of fat.

Limit the amount of sugary ice cream and buy plain yogurt without added sugar, which tends to build up in flavors and fruits. In addition to healthy fats, peanut butter is high in protein and fiber. Peanut butter contains 8 grams of protein and 2 grams of dietary fiber in 2 tablespoons.

A Harvard School of Public Health study found that eating peanuts regularly reduced the risk of weight gain and obesity in more than 51,000 women. According to a similar study published in the Journal of Nutrition, there was little difference in weight between those who followed a normal diet and those who followed a diet with nuts. In other words, nuts and nut paste can be added to a healthy weight-loss diet. Eat nut butter between meals to keep your appetite up. Cashew nuts and 200-calorie peanut butter are much more satiating and satisfying than 200-calorie crackers and pretzels, for example.

Совет: Don’t use skim milk powder. Ironically, it contains more calories, sugar, sodium, and preservatives than regular peanut butter.

Buy one with nuts and a little salt on the ingredient list to eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Apples soaked in almond butter taste exceptional.

So too does pasta have a surprisingly low sugar index, which measures the rate at which blood sugar rises from 0 to 100. The lower the number, the longer it takes to digest and the more stable the source of fuel to maintain energy levels. Whole grain pasta ranges from an index of 32 to 37 (about half that of white bread), and white pasta averages in the mid-40s, much lower than slices of white bread. In addition, pasta is traditionally eaten with healthy ingredients such as fish and vegetables, and olive oil, so even people with limited weight should not skip healthy pasta and other pasta products.

Pro tip: Use whole grain products, double up on vegetables, and avoid super cheap creamy sauces. Eggs, rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats, essential vitamins, and minerals, are low in calories and high in nutritional value. Since the caloric value of one egg is only 70 calories, there is also no reason not to eat egg yolk and egg white together. Yes, egg yolk is a source of dietary cholesterol, but recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has less effect on blood cholesterol than previously thought.

Eating small amounts of whole eggs is safe, and some studies have shown that eating eggs instead of refined carbohydrates(bread) can help in your weight loss diet.

Editor’s Bonus: Eggs are very cheap and ready to cook quickly, perfect for a busy morning. Bake eggs in olive oil, and use them as a treat for the whole family.

Add roasted vegetables and eat with whole grain toast to ensure a complete and balanced meal in your diet.

Many people don’t know that 30 grams of dark chicken or turkey meat (legs and thighs) contain about 5 calories and about 1 gram more fat than white chicken breast. But the skin of the breast contains most of the fat. By removing the skin from any part of the bird, you can choose the more caloric one for yourself. Dark chicken, on the other hand, is usually softer, juicier, and richer than white meat. Not only does it require less oil, but it also requires less sauce and creamy seasonings than breast, so it’s very tasty and easy to cook. It’s high in lean protein, so you’ll feel satiated while eating and less likely to overeat at lunch.

The meat is dark in color and high in myoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein, as well as iron and zinc, two minerals that boost your body’s immunity.

Note that limiting calories in liquids can be the key to weight loss success. For example, alcohol has 7 calories per gram, and juice has 54 calories. However, you shouldn’t deny yourself cocktails at the end of a long day. It is possible to drink from time to time the main thing is to be physically active, which would not leave a surplus of calories.

Interestingly, a Washington State University study shows that red wine may be healthier than white wine and that the polyphenols in red wine (including resveratrol) may even promote metabolism and prevent obesity. Whole grains in particular have the highest polyphenol content, but wine also contains polyphenols. Bottom line: alcohol is not always good for dieting, but it can treat stressful everyday fatigue and nervousness, which in turn can lead to overeating. It is believed that a moderate amount of alcohol is good for the heart. That is why it is necessary to observe the rule of drinking culture.

Drink responsibly (not on an empty stomach), limit your intake of hard alcohol, and choose glass wines at 120 calories 100 grams instead of sweet cocktails and high-carb beers for better weight loss.

Drinking coffee daily not only helps you wake up in the morning. In addition, it stimulates the brain and nervous system and contains antioxidants that can improve glucose metabolism, reduce appetite and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Caffeinated coffee can also improve endurance exercise performance, such as running and cycling, by promoting heat production and burning more body fat.

I don’t think coffee has a dietary effect, but given the overall health benefits, it’s a good reason to make one or two cups of coffee daily. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 36 studies conducted in 2014 found that people who had a cup of coffee in the morning actually had the lowest risk of heart disease.

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Напишано од Бела Адамс

Јас сум професионално обучен, извршен готвач со повеќе од десет години во ресторански кулинарски и угостителски менаџмент. Искусен во специјализирани диети, вклучувајќи вегетаријанска, веганска, сурова храна, целосна храна, растителна, прифатлива за алергија, од фарма до трпеза и многу повеќе. Надвор од кујната, пишувам за факторите на животниот стил кои влијаат на благосостојбата.

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