
Коњски стек со зеленчук од грав

5 од 5 гласови
Вкупно време 1 час
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 4 луѓе
Калории 238 kcal


  • 720 g Horse steak
  • 0,5 Црвен лук
  • 100 ml црвено вино
  • 100 g Грав бел свеж
  • 50 g Грав зелен свеж
  • 100 g Fresh kidney beans
  • 1 tbsp Ситно сецкан солени
  • 1 tbsp Ситно сечкан магдонос
  • 1 tbsp Кисела павлака
  • 1 лажиче Сок од лимон
  • 1 изклинвам Рендана органска кора од портокал
  • 120 ml Маслиново масло
  • 120 ml сончогледово масло
  • 1 tbsp Синап
  • 60 g Исечена сланина на коцки
  • 80 ml оцет
  • 2 Каранфилче од лук
  • 1 изклинвам Рузмарин
  • 1 изклинвам Сол
  • 1 изклинвам Шеќер


  • Blanch the green beans and cut into pieces. Put a lot of salt in both the blanching and quenching water. Leave the bacon in a pan and add to the beans. Reduce the red wine in a saucepan to the lacquer, cut the onion into fine cubes and then add a pinch of salt and sugar to the red wine. When the wine is gone and the onion has a nice shine, the mixture can be stirred into the beans.
  • Mix the vinegar, salt and sugar in a bowl, add the mustard. When everything has dissolved in the liquid, bind the dressing with the oil. Sweat the garlic clove in a little oil in a pan until it is brown. Then pour the oil through a sieve to the dressing. Mix the savory and parsley into the dressing and stir together with the salad and lemon juice. Just before serving, heat the beans with the zest of the organic orange and the sour cream in a pan.
  • Remove the fat from the horse fillet, season with salt, add a little sugar and let stand for 10 minutes. Then dab the meat with a cloth. Heat neutral fat (sunflower oil) in a pan and fry the steak for one to two minutes on each side until golden brown. Then let the meat cook in the oven at 100 degrees for six minutes and then let it rest for five minutes in a warm place. Just before serving, fry the steak in a second pan in butter or olive oil, with a clove of garlic and a little rosemary (roast). Instead of horse fillet, beef fillet can also be used.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 238kcalЈаглехидрати: 6.2gПротеин: 13.3gМаст: 17.5g
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