
پف پيسٽري اسپنچ سنيلز

5 کان 7 ووٽ
مڪمل وقت 1 ڪلاڪ 15 منٽ
ڪورس رات جي ماني
پچائڻ يورپي
خدمت 6 ماڻهو


  • 400 g منجهيل پالڪ جي پنن
  • 150 g ڪرييم چيز
  • 100 g چادر يا feta پنير
  • 1 medium toe ٿوم
  • 0,5 هر هڪ چمچ Herbal salt and paprika powder
  • 0,5 هر هڪ چمچ مرچ
  • 2 رول تازو پف پيسٽري
  • 0,5 ٽڪرو onionاڙهو پياز
  • 2 هٿدار توهان جي پسند جي پنير کي ڇڪيو

جون هدايتون

  • Thaw the spinach, squeeze it out lightly and chop it through with a sharp knife.
  • Cream cheese, put in a bowl. Grate the shepherd's cheese over the coarse grater and add. Press the garlic through the press and add to the cheese with the herb salt, paprika and pepper. Mix everything well and season to taste.
  • Fold the spinach well into the cheese mixture. Cover the mixture and let it steep for a while.
  • Take the puff pastry rolls out of the refrigerator and let them warm up a little.
  • When the puff pastry has softened a little, unpack it and roll it out, then cut into 6 strips over the short side.
  • Spread 2 teaspoons of spinach mixture on each strip, fold the strips lengthways and roll them up into snails.
  • Do the same with the second roll of puff pastry.
  • Place the 12 snails in a size 28 springform pan, 8 outside, 4 inside.
  • Dice the half red onion and spread over the snails. Now sprinkle the whole thing with cheese.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° for about 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
  • They taste warm and cold and are suitable for buffets, picnics, parties, as a snack or as a starter. I made them to drink coffee for my niece's birthday and they were eaten away in no time at all.
اوتار فوٽو

پاران لکيل جان ميئرس

پيشه ور شيف 25 سالن جي صنعت جي تجربي سان اعليٰ سطح تي. ريسٽورنٽ جو مالڪ. بيوريج ڊائريڪٽر تجربو سان عالمي سطح تي قومي طور تي تسليم ٿيل ڪاڪٽيل پروگرام ٺاهڻ. کاڌي جي ليکڪ هڪ مخصوص شيف سان هلندڙ آواز ۽ نقطه نظر سان.

جواب ڇڏي وڃو

توهان جو اي ميل پتو شايع نه ڪيو ويندو. گهري شعبن لڳل آهن *

هن ترڪيب جي شرح

چانورن سان ٽماٽو ساس ۾ گوشت بال

ٽماٽو، آلو ۽ ٽونا سان گڏ ڪيسرول