
What Distinguishes the Lime From the Lemon?

Lemons and limes are different types of citrus fruit, but they have similar properties and can therefore be used in the same way: They refine both sweet and savory dishes and drinks such as cold duck with their fresh acidity. Differences can be found in appearance, taste, and nutrients.

The skin of a ripe lime is green, a yellow color indicates that it is already overripe. Green skin on the lemon, on the other hand, is a sign that it is not yet ripe – this only applies to yellow fruits. Although the lemon is significantly larger than the lime, the latter contains about twice as much juice as its yellow cousin. Citrus fruits also differ in taste: lemons usually taste sourer, while limes also have intense, spicy aromas. This makes them a perfect accompaniment to alcoholic beverages, such as cocktails like our Pisco Sour.

Lemons and limes also differ in their nutritional values. With 50 milligrams per 100 grams, the lemon provides slightly more vitamin C than the lime (45 mg). The lemon (170 mg) also contains more than twice as much potassium as the lime (80 mg). The lemon also has more to offer when it comes to magnesium content. The lime contains a little more calcium, vitamin E, and folic acid. Also, read how healthy lemon water is.

Lemons originally come from China and today come mainly from Spain or Italy and warm regions outside of Europe. The lime probably comes from Malaysia and is now grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, the USA, Brazil, Mexico, and Kenya. The lime is much more sensitive to cold than the lemon and needs a tropical climate to thrive. At room temperature, it can be stored for about a week, refrigerated for about 2 to 4 weeks. Lemons keep longer: they stay fresh for several weeks at room temperature, and even longer if refrigerated.

Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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