Машқ дар хона: Нақшаи машқҳои пурраи бадан барои 10, 20 ё 30 дақиқа

Get fit, strong, and lean with regular workouts in under 30 minutes: Our plan is designed for uncomplicated training at home and keeps you in shape and happy without much effort.

You don’t have the opportunity or the desire to go to the gym or yoga studio, the weather is too bad to go jogging and at home, in the home office, the ceiling is slowly falling on your head.

Right now – or in general for working people, parents, or busy people – a quick workout at home is the ideal way to keep fit and agile without much effort.

This opportunity for a short workout three times a week should really be seized for the sake of your own health and performance. It’s worth sticking with it – and you’ll feel so much better after the short exercise session, I promise!

A workout can easily be done at home, between the coffee table and the dining area. Just unroll the mat, get some optional equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells ready, and get started.

It’s better to do short workouts regularly than long ones infrequently

Getting your heart rate up regularly with a short, crisp workout will help your body and your health even more than infrequent long sessions of more than 60 minutes.

Many people don’t find the time and motivation and so the next training stimulus often fails to materialize. That would be a pity. So it’s better to train three or four times a week for a short time than once for a long time.

HIIT plan for 10, 20, or 30 minutes

The ideal form of training for a quick workout at home is high-intensity interval training (HIIT for short). In this short and crisp form of training, different muscle groups are alternately challenged.

Between the load intervals, there are only very short breaks, which serve to switch to the next exercise, but not to recover.

In this way, the heart rate remains high and, in addition to strength, endurance, and coordination are trained.

Because the workout is quite intense due to the lack of recovery breaks, it also doesn’t take long. And it doesn’t need to be, because the body continues to burn more calories even hours after the workout. The keyword is afterburn effect.

Instructions for your full-body workout at home

Here comes your workout plan: Eight exercises for arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, legs, and buttocks – a full-body workout that challenges you from head to toe.

Load time and rest time:

  • You perform the exercises one after the other for 60 seconds each (or 30 seconds per side). Between each exercise, you take a 15-second break.
  • Depending on how much time you have – 10, 20, or 30 minutes – you complete one, two, or three circuits.
  • If you want an extra challenge, you can replace every or every other rest with jumping jacks, for example.

How to perform the exercises correctly

The first block focuses on your arms, shoulders, and upper back, part two on the thighs and butt as well as your lower back, and the third part focuses on your core, especially the straight and oblique abs.


  • Trains: Latissimus, chest, biceps, triceps,
    hood muscle (M. trapezius), upper arm spoke muscle (M. brachioradialis)
  • Мушкилот: душвор
  • Note: shoulder-width overhand grip, shoulder blades down and together, tense core

Маслињат: Grasp the bar in a wide overhand grip: your thumbs are under the bar as you grip it from above. The distance between your hands should be wider than shoulder width.

An alternative is the narrow underhand grip: Here the palms face you, the thumbs are on top of the bar and the upper arms are close to the body. Here, however, many cramps in the neck, so we emfpehlen the upper grip.

If you don’t have a pull-up bar or are a beginner, you can also do the exercise on a table or other stable support. Keep your legs up and pull yourself up on the edge of the table. If you want to get some, check out our pull-up bar test first.

Боло теладиҳандаҳо

  • Trains: pectoralis major muscle (M. pectoralis major)
    anterior shoulder (M. deltoideus anterior)
    triceps (the tighter hands, the more). Stabilizing: latissimus, core, trapezius
  • Мушкилот: миёна
  • Note: wide grip, elbows pointing outward, tighten the core.

Маслињат: If you can’t do clean push-ups or can’t last the 60 seconds, try not resting your knees on the floor, but find an elevation, like the couch, a step, or a table, and rest your hands there. This will work the target muscles better than supporting your weight with your knees.

Lunges with rotation – optionally with weight in the hands

  • Trains: Gluteus maximus, leg extensors (M. quadriceps femoris), leg flexors (M. biceps femoris), torso, and the coordination
  • Мушкилот: миёна
  • Note: knees at a 90-degree angle, front knee is above the ankle, the back knee is hovering above the floor.

Shoulder bridge – possibly with leg raises

  • Trains: back of the thighs (leg flexors), buttocks, back extensors
  • Мушкилот: миёна
  • Note: Thighs and upper body form a line, do not lower buttocks: tense them

Маслиҳат: You can either put both feet down or optionally lift one leg during the exercise and stretch the foot toward the ceiling. In this case, you should switch sides after 30 seconds.

Девори нишаст

  • Trains: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, trunk
  • Мушкилот: миёна
  • Note: Legs bent at 90 degrees, lower back pressed against the wall, abdominals tight.

Маслиҳат: Optionally, alternate heel raises to additionally work your calves.

Side support, if necessary with a hip lift

  • Trains: lateral abdominal muscles
  • Мушкилот: осон
  • Note hand under shoulder, feet on top of each other, body straight as a line – body tension!

Arm and leg stretch in the quadruped position

  • Trains: straight abdominal muscles, back extensors
  • Мушкилот: осон
  • Note: Knee below the hip, hand under shoulder, arm and opposite leg long, head straight.

Маслиҳат: Switch sides after 30 seconds.

Plank – possibly with leg raises

  • Trained: Trapezius, deltoid, pectoralis major (chest), gluteus maximus, quadriceps, biceps femoris.
  • Мушкилот: осон
  • Note: Feet on tiptoes, hands below shoulders, head neutral, body as a solid line.

Маслиҳат: Optionally, you can go on the forearms. Make sure that the buttocks do not sink too far or stretch towards the ceiling.

Just a few minutes of exercise a day is enough

According to studies, just ten minutes of physical activity a day has health benefits, such as boosting memory, but also mood. Plus, exercise can help you prevent diabetes, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and even keep you young.

A long-term study by the Karlsruhe Institute for Sports and Sports Science shows that, in terms of motor skills, athletic people are ten years younger than those who are less active.

By the way, too intensive training can have a negative effect on your hormone balance, as hormone balance coach Laura van de Vorst told us in an interview.

Make sure you give your body enough time to recover after particularly long or intense training sessions. You can also do this actively: with relaxed workouts, slow jogging or walking sessions, or yoga or fascia training.

Сурати аватар

Муаллиф Белла Адамс

Ман як ошпази аз ҷиҳати касбӣ омӯзонидашуда ҳастам, ки зиёда аз даҳ сол дар ошхона ва идоракунии меҳмоннавозӣ кор кардааст. Таҷриба дар парҳезҳои махсус, аз ҷумла гиёҳхорӣ, гиёҳхорӣ, хӯрокҳои хом, ғизои пурра, аз растанӣ, аллергия дӯстона, аз ферма то миз ва ғайра. Берун аз ошхона, ман дар бораи омилҳои тарзи зиндагӣ, ки ба некӯаҳволӣ таъсир мерасонанд, менависам.

Дин ва мазҳаб

Суроғаи почтаи электронии шумо нест, нашр карда мешавад. Майдонҳои талаб карда мешавад, ишора *

Равғани виссералӣ: Маҳз ҳамин аст, ки равған дар шикам ин қадар хатарнок аст!

Максимум сӯзондани фарбеҳ: 6 машқи вазни бадан, ки шуморо ба ҳадди худ тела медиҳад