
Сабзавотҳои шӯрбои яхкардашуда - амалӣ ва ҳамеша дар даст

A mixture of vegetables and herbs, which is commonly referred to as soup greens, provides the spicy taste of many dishes. Anyone who likes to cook soup often is well advised to always have it to hand. For example in the freezer.

Good reasons for the freezer

Nowadays soup greens are available in almost every supermarket. Already portioned as a bundle or welded in a plastic tray. But often the individual components are visibly lacking in freshness and the composition is also more expensive than the individual prices.

If you put together the soup greens yourself from fresh produce, you will face a quantity problem at the latest when cooking. A whole celeriac is just too much when it comes to just adding flavor to the soup.

Freezing is a method of long-term storage that has several advantages:

  • individual composition of the soup greens
  • Selection of absolutely fresh products
  • Vegetables are completely used
  • cheaper price per serving
  • Time-saving when cooking later

What belongs in the soup greens?

The soup greens are a combination of various root vegetables and aromatic herbs. It is also often referred to as a cooking vegetable, soup vegetable, or root system. The exact composition varies from region to region. The following vegetables and herbs can be included:

  • Root vegetables: carrots, celeriac, swedes, root parsley, and parsnips
  • Leek Vegetables: Leeks and onions
  • Herbs: parsley, thyme, and celery herb

Prepare soup greens

After the purchase has been made or your own vegetable patch has been cleared, you should not wait long before freezing the soup greens. Otherwise, the vitamins are lost far too quickly.

  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  2. Roots such as carrots can be easily cleaned with a vegetable brush.
  3. Wash the herbs thoroughly as well. Especially when curly parsley is used, even finer sand can hide in its leaves.
  4. Pat the washed herbs dry with kitchen paper. You can also use a salad spinner for this.
  5. Thinly peel the root vegetables with a paring knife.
  6. Cut the vegetables into pieces.
  7. Fill freezer bags evenly with all ingredients.
  8. Squeeze the air out of the freezer bags and seal them tightly. After you have noted the date and content on it, the frozen food is immediately placed in the freezer.

The amounts per portion of soup greens

Soups and stews are usually cooked in larger pots. A bunch or portion of soup greens is required for this. The quantities are listed below as examples:

  • 3 to 4 carrots
  • a quarter of a celery root
  • a parsley root
  • 4-5 шохаи петрушка
  • half a stalk of leeks

If you like, you can also add a small parsnip, a small piece of swede, and a few sprigs of thyme.

Давомнокӣ ва истифода

Frozen soup greens can be kept for at least three months. It is added to the boiling soup straight from the freezer.

Сурати аватар

Муаллиф Ҷон Майерс

Ошпази касбӣ бо таҷрибаи 25-солаи саноат дар сатҳи баландтарин. Соҳиби тарабхона. Директори нӯшокиҳо бо таҷрибаи эҷоди барномаҳои коктейлҳои дар сатҳи ҷаҳонӣ эътирофшуда. Нависандаи хӯрокворӣ бо овози хоси шеф ва нуқтаи назар.

Дин ва мазҳаб

Суроғаи почтаи электронии шумо нест, нашр карда мешавад. Майдонҳои талаб карда мешавад, ишора *

Танҳо тухмиҳои ба таври оптималӣ нигоҳ дошташуда қобилияти пурраи сабзиши худро нигоҳ медоранд

Ҳама чиз дар ҷои дуруст: Сабзавотро ба таври беҳтарин нигоҳ доред