
Дуэти мевадори «Оташ ва ях» дар давраи гули бодом

5 аз 9 раъй
Вақти тайёрӣ 45 дақиқа
Вақти Кук 1 соат 50 дақиқа
Вақти истироҳат 5 соат
Миқдори соат 7 соат 35 дақиқа
курс хӯроки нисфирӯзӣ
пухтани аврупоӣ
Хизматҳо 5 мардум
Calories 300 ккал


For the passion fruit crème brûlée:

  • 5 Компютер Меваи тару тоза
  • 1 Тбил Шарбати меваи пассионалӣ
  • 4 Компютер Зардии тухм
  • 1 Тбил шакар
  • 200 g Креми дугона
  • 5 tsp Шакари қаҳваранг

For the pistachio honey ice cream:

  • 100 g Чормағзҳои писта
  • 75 g шакар
  • 300 ml Шири пурра
  • 300 g Креми дугона
  • 1,5 Тбил асал
  • 100 ml Оби шукуфаи афлесун
  • 200 ml Шири моеъ
  • 1 Компютер Лаззати афлесун

For the filo rolls with cinnamon citrus and almond filling:

  • 50 g Равғани гудохта
  • 200 g Бодомҳои заминӣ
  • 125 g шакар
  • 2 Тбил Оби гулбарги садбарг
  • 2 Компютер Лаззати афлесун
  • 2 Компютер Лаззати оҳак
  • 2 tsp Доруи заминӣ
  • 1 пакет Канноди фило
  • Равғани гудохта
  • Шакари ориз


For the passion fruit crème brûlée:

  • Halve the passion fruit and scrape out the pulp, puree this with the syrup in the mixer, pass through a very fine sieve. Whisk 1 tbsp sugar with the 4 egg yolks in a bowl, then stir in the fruit mixture and Creme Double and fill into small molds. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, cover the baking sheet with hot water, cover the molds with heat-resistant kitchen foil and place on the baking sheet. Let the cream set in the oven for 70 minutes, then chill in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. Before serving, distribute about 1 teaspoon of brown sugar evenly in each mold and caramelize with a flambé burner.

For the pistachio honey ice cream:

  • First grind 3/4 of the pistachio nuts together with the sugar in a chopper very finely. Put the milk, double cream, honey and orange blossom water in a saucepan, add the pistachio-sugar mixture and simmer gently over low to medium heat, stirring frequently. As soon as the mixture has boiled down by a quarter, remove the saucepan from the heat and let everything cool down. Then coarsely chop the remaining pistachio nuts, rub off the peel of the orange, add both together with the condensed milk to the cream mixture and stir everything well. Cover the pot with cling film and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then put the mixture in the ice cream maker and let it freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the ice cream is still too creamy, pour it into a shallow bowl, close it and put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

For the filo rolls:

  • First wash the oranges and limes and rub the peel off. Melt the butter and mix in a bowl with ground almonds, sugar, rose flower water, orange and lime peel and cinnamon to a paste. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees circulating air. Cut the dough sheets into approx. 15x15 cm pieces, form a sausage the size of an index finger from the almond paste and place it on the bottom edge in the middle of the filo dough sheet. Fold the lower edge of the pastry and the side edges over the filling and roll up the pastry almost completely, from bottom to top. Brush some melted butter onto the top edge of the pastry sheet and roll up the packet completely. Make the other packets in the same way. Place all the rolls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, brush with melted butter and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Remove the rolls, let them cool down a bit and dust with powdered sugar for serving.
  • To serve, place a scoop of ice cream in a small bowl, place this together with a bowl of crème brûlée and 1-2 filo rolls on a medium-sized plate or platter and decorate with edible flowers.


Хизмат: 100gКалорияҳо: 300ккалКарбогидратҳо: 21.7gСафеда: 6gFat: 21.1g
Сурати аватар

Муаллиф Ҷон Майерс

Ошпази касбӣ бо таҷрибаи 25-солаи саноат дар сатҳи баландтарин. Соҳиби тарабхона. Директори нӯшокиҳо бо таҷрибаи эҷоди барномаҳои коктейлҳои дар сатҳи ҷаҳонӣ эътирофшуда. Нависандаи хӯрокворӣ бо овози хоси шеф ва нуқтаи назар.

Дин ва мазҳаб

Суроғаи почтаи электронии шумо нест, нашр карда мешавад. Майдонҳои талаб карда мешавад, ишора *

Ин дорухатро баҳогузорӣ кунед

Багети қаҳваранг

Duo сабзавоти шарқӣ бо барраи хурмо