
Пӯсти бодомҳо - ҳамин тавр кор мекунад

To use almonds in baking, you should skin them first. This is the best way to enjoy almonds. You can find out how to skin almonds quickly and easily in the following practical tip.

Skinning almonds: Here’s how

With the following steps, you can skin almonds without further ado.

  1. The first crack opens the shells of the almonds with the nutcracker.
  2. After that, heat water in a saucepan.
  3. Once the water is boiling, you can add almonds to the water.
  4. After a few minutes, you can get the almonds out again. However, you should not wait longer than five minutes.
  5. Then immediately rinse the almonds with cold water. Now you can remove the almond skin with light pressure with your fingers.
  6. Alternatively, you can put the almonds in a kitchen towel and grate vigorously. This allows you to skin multiple almonds at once and saves time.
  7. You can then process the almonds and have no disruptive skin layer when eating.

Skin the almonds in the microwave

Alternatively, you can use your microwave to skin the almonds. To do this, proceed as follows.

  1. Again, first, remove the shell of the almond.
  2. Then put the almonds in a container and fill it with enough water.
  3. Now put it in your microwave and heat the almonds for a few minutes.
  4. You can then rinse the almonds in cold water and remove the skin by hand or using a kitchen towel.
Сурати аватар

Муаллиф Ҷон Майерс

Ошпази касбӣ бо таҷрибаи 25-солаи саноат дар сатҳи баландтарин. Соҳиби тарабхона. Директори нӯшокиҳо бо таҷрибаи эҷоди барномаҳои коктейлҳои дар сатҳи ҷаҳонӣ эътирофшуда. Нависандаи хӯрокворӣ бо овози хоси шеф ва нуқтаи назар.

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