
The Trainer Told us How to Learn Not to Eat Stress

We need to fight this condition. Most people in stressful situations look for a “cure” in the refrigerator. They start to eat their problem. However, in the meantime, they get a new one – overweight and digestive problems. While the real problem, which lies in the human psyche, does not disappear. Coach Anastasia Poltavska shared her own secrets on how to stop eating stress.

First of all, Poltavska advises setting a goal. For example, a beautiful and fit body. To do this, you can go to the gym. It’s also important to find out the cause of your mental anxiety and try to solve it. In addition, the coach advises you to escape from everyday life and do what you love.

Anastasia emphasized that in “moments of stress, you should think about the consequences of the junk food you reach for. After that, it will be difficult to put on a beautiful dress or go to the beach in a swimsuit.”

How else can you avoid eating stress?

  1. Identify your emotional triggers and write down the emotions you feel when you overeat. Then these experiences can be replaced by other habits.
  2. Eat slowly and carefully. The brain realizes that you have eaten only 20 minutes after the food enters the stomach.
  3. Do not skip meals. Breakfast alone increases the level of dopamine – the “controller” of cravings and impulses to overeat.
  4. Eat natural foods. Processed foods high in sugar contribute to their accumulation in the blood. However, it is quickly destroyed and the body feels hungry again.
  5. Get enough sleep. Poor sleep in women is directly related to increased stress and overeating.
  6. Do other things. Do not focus on food.
  7. Ask for help. Maybe you just need to talk and pour out your heart.

A healthy diet is key to feeling good and looking good

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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